The Cat and the Hound, True Form and Introductions

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I.M.P Office


Loona was still playing on her phone, planning for where she and Y/n would go during their break

Loona: Hmm, what would he like to go to? Coffee shop? Nah to much attention. A bar... it could work but there's always gonna be some random chick waiting to get their hands on him...

In the back Loona can still here the cat crying out

Loona: *Rolls her eyes* Keep on whining, no way I'm letting you out of there

Awhile more and the whining stops

Loona: Finally some peace and quiet for me to think clearly, now what should I ask him? What does he like... never really asked him that question, maybe his hobbies? What music does he listens to?

However her thinking comes to a stop as she realizes... it's too quiet

Loona: Hey Cat, you there?

But no response was made as Loona starts to worry a bit

Loona: Fuck, there better be nothing wrong with the cat or Y/n's gonna kill me

Loona goes into the I.M.P break room where she had left Ebony trapped in the cabinet but it was left wide open

Loona: Fuck, that cat had better not get lost or I'm screwed

Loona begins looking everywhere in the office but no sign of Ebony was nearby

Loona: Fuck, fuck, fuck, goddamn it Cat where the fuck are you?!

???: Meow

Loona looks to see Ebony sitting on her desk with a mischievous look

Loona: 'I don't like the way that cat is looking at me' Ok you've had your fun but-

Ebony only holds up Loona's phone with her tail as Loona in shock looks in her pockets only to find then empty

Loona: How?

Ebony: *Smirks*

Loona: You better not-

Before Ebony using her tail throws Loona's phone at the wall breaking it

Loona: ...You have just made a terrible mistake

It wasn't long before the hound chased after the cat as the whole room was already a mess as Loona was trying to catch Ebony who was slipping just out of her grasp before she runs into the break room as Loona follows her and finds her on top of the fridge

Loona: Your gonna fucking pay!

Ebony only jumps off as Loona crashes into the fridge before leaping at her as she finally gets her in her grasp

Loona: Got you

Just before either of them could do any damage to the other


Loona and Ebony freezes as she looks at Y/n in horror

Loona: Y/n... this is not what it looks like

Y/n: ...You sure about that?

Loona looks to see Y/n with his hand on his gun as she let's go of Ebony who immediately rushes to Y/n as he catches her

Loona: Y/n, I-

Y/n: What happened?

Loona: I-I was just minding my own business when that damn cat-

Ebony: *Hiss*

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