Memory: Police Escape, Reliving the Music and Chat with the Goetias

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???, Memory

Both H.Y/n and Ebony managed to make it out the interrogation room as Ebony led H.Y/n down the halls, cops were wandering around the station

H.Y/n: *Sigh* There are too many Ebony, we'll be caught for... trespassing???

H.Y/n looks around to find Ebony missing again

H.Y/n: How does she do that?!

Cop: Hey is someone there?

H.Y/n panic for a bit before feeling Ebony tugging him into a room as they hid in the dark closet as H.Y/n couldn't see a thing, all they could hear were two cops outside the door

Cop 2: Hey, you hear? The kid somehow escaped

Cop: From the interrogation room?

Cop 2: Yeah (just then H.Y/n hears some more footsteps coming up) Hey, who are you two, who said that you could be here?

???: We'll be taking over the investigation, your boss already gave us the go

Cop 2: No.. hold on, (walkie) Chief, I got two of these gentlemen... Do they have your permission?

Muffled talking from the walkie before it goes quiet

Cop: Well, chief gave the go and needs us for something

Cop 2: Alright, but if anything happens, it's on you two got it

H.Y/n then hears the two leave as he then heard the other two

???: Remember the objective, find the kid

??? 2: Trust me (Gun cocks) he won't be walking away

H.Y/n now physically shaken that instead of capturing him, these guys are out to kill him now

H.Y/n: (Whispers) What the fuck is going on? Ebony, are you in here still?


H.Y/n: Ebony?

Just then H.Y/n's instincts kick in as one of them opens the door as H.Y/n rushes to grab the man's gun disarming him while ejecting the clip and throwing it at the other guy's throat before H.Y/n was punched in the gut and trapping him on the wall as the other recovered before about to go for his gun, but Ebony out of nowhere pounces the guy scratching him in the face

??? 2: Argh fuck!

H.Y/n then unconsciously forcefully uses his power phasing part of his hand and punching the man before kicking his knee and punching him square in the face as he goes down before punching him once more knocking him out

H.Y/n: (Pants like crazy) Oh fuck (Looks at his hand before looking at Ebony who was about to claw the man's eyes out before) Ebony no!

Ebony stops to look at H.Y/n as he picks her up and runs leaving the two behind wounded

H.Y/n: We gotta get out of here Ebony

H.Y/n makes a turn but finds some of the people dressed in military uniform looking at him as he turns back before finding the exits

Busting out in the open H.Y/n and Ebony find themselves surrounded by military as they took aim at them as H.Y/n shielded Ebony

???: Hold your fire! (A man, a high ranking officer then walks up to H.Y/n as Ebony begins hissing at the high ranking officer)

H.Y/n: W-Wh... what's going on???

???: Huh, I was expecting you to be more muscular

H.Y/n: What???

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