Talk with Mayberry, The Cat and the Spider, and Trouble in the Studios

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Majority decisions

(!) Angel ends the show early


(!) Husk takes the employee doorway


(!) Valentino's suspicions level: High, won't take him long to find them now


Hazbin Hotel

*Moments earlier*

Back at the hotel Alastor and Mayberry were staying at the hotel incase Angel came back while the others were looking, Mayberry was smoking her cigarette

Alastor: You know for someone that wants to actually move onto heaven, you don't really seem to take the rules seriously

Mayberry: For someone that's known to be some cannibalistic overlord dealer, you don't seem very serious about the princesses redemption plan at all

Alastor: I don't

Mayberry: Then why bother?

Alastor: I stick around for the entertainment, haven't you noticed how eventful the hotel can get?

Mayberry: If your talking about the constant yelling across the room, the four arms constantly making sex jokes, the cat that's most of the time in a bad mood... you find this amusing don't?

Alastor: Ehh, foremost they do keep things rather lively

Alastor: So, you were Y/n's past teacher?

Mayberry: What's it to you?

Alastor: Well, the fellow is rather lost, confused as to what is of his past before and doesn't know where to find his bearings

Mayberry: ...So I've been told before, by my own student you speak off

Alastor: Ah yes I remember, you said that you were told to come here after the halfly fellow shared this location for protection?

Mayberry: In some sense yes, now what's got you interested in him?

Alastor: You see, he's not like the others you see down here in our time in hell, able to maintain some human aspects in hell

Mayberry: Well, he's a lucky one

Alastor: Lucky enough to possibly have the equal strength of an overlord perhaps?

Mayberry: Y/n can be an overlord?

Alastor: Well, none can be to certain but that's where he really surprises everyone, might I say that's what's entertaining about him, he's a strange being that never bores me, always somehow manages to stir something up about down here

Before the conversation continued Charlie, Vaggie and Niffty came walking through the main door

Vaggie: Has Angel walked through here already?

Mayberry: Nope, if he did I wouldn't be here to listen to another joke of his... and the drunk cat where is he

Niffty: Told me that he would be drinking at some place

Vaggie: Ugh, again?!

Charlie: Look Vaggie this has us all worked up, who knows if they found Angel yet, maybe he's even at a bar and Husk finds him

Vaggie: And what about Y/n, he still hasn't responded

Niffty: Maybe he forgot to check?


Mayberry: *Sigh* I'm sorry but I'm not dealing with this any longer (extinguishes cigarette) just make sure they'll come back, I need some time alone

Mayberry leaves leaving the others to wonder where the others are

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