Meet up with the Author #3, Apologies for Delay

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Hello everyone, it amazes me as to how many people are reading my story and I feel proud about it

As of right now even though it has been a few weeks or two, I am still working on the story, I've just been on the ps4 playing with my online friends since usually I never really have the time to play with them so I've been reconnecting with them

I'm sure most of you on playstation 4 or 5 are playing a free ps plus game called "Deep Rock Galactic" cause I've been grinding on that game every single day since it released with and without friends on as some of them have work or school and such or just play an entirely different game

So this whole time I haven't really worked on the story as much, I still work on it but just barley

But, don't worry our Helluva series will begin a little later in the story, till next time my readers, hope to see you all soon

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