Mama's Boy by Lewis Hanton

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"𝐌-𝐀-𝐌-𝐀 𝐁-𝐎-𝐘
𝐌𝐚𝐦𝐚'𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐲,
𝐌𝐚𝐦𝐚'𝐬 𝐁𝐨𝐲."


"How does someone predict a student's death every year and it never comes true?"

"Maybe her glasses are actually blinding her instead of helping her."


The pair of Gryffindors sat towards the back of their Transformation class, they whispered to each other as Professor Mcgonagall assured the third years in the class that Harry was in no danger following the grimly reading by Professor Trelawney in their previous class. Laurel shrugged slightly and glanced over to Mcgonagall as she moved towards the front of the classroom to officially begin class.

"I'm just saying. It clearly looked like a hand to me."

"You said mine looked like a butterfly."

"On first glance."

"It was clearly a snake."

"I had only glanced at it for a moment, Denden."

Alden laughed quietly, covering her mouth with her hand to avoid drawing attention to the conversation the pair of them were having, prompting Laurel to smile and stare at her. He caught himself staring and turned his gaze back to Mcgonagall.

"Even if that reading doesn't mean Harry's death, I doubt it means nothing. I mean, I doubt everything will simply be normal with a killer on the loose. From Azkaban no less."

Alden nodded as she slowly shifted her attention from her conversation with Laurel to paying attention during the class, Laurel frowned as he tried to focus on class only to be nagged by his previous statement. Could Harry possibly be what Sirius broke out for? If he was a supporter of you know who, wouldn't he blame the boy for his downfall? Is that why the dementors are at Hogwarts instead of free-roaming and looking for the killer.

They knew. The ministry must have figured that Sirius would be coming for Harry, Laurel dug his nails into his leg as he continued down his dark path of thoughts. Was Harry being used as bait? Were all the students being used as bait?

Before he could come to a satisfying conclusion he was being nudged and pulled out of his thoughts by Alden who wore a look of concern on her face at her zoned out best friend. He stood up quickly collecting his books as Alden gave him a once-over.

"Are you alright Laurie?"

"Yeah. Yeah. I was just thinking. What class do we have next?"

Skeptical of his answer, Alden narrowed her eyes slightly at the boy who smiled at her to reassure her, in which she couldn't help but return before the pair were walking out the classroom.

"Care of Magical Creatures. With Hagrid!"

Laurel nodded as he noticed Alden seemed to study him carefully, he was sure that she was doubtful of his answer, reasonably so. They had been friends for nearly eight years by now, of course she would be able to tell if he was being untruthful. He needed to distract her, to put her focus on something else because he didn't want her worried because of his own paranoia. He gathered an idea and grinned before poising himself into a runner's position.

"I will race you to the class. If I win, you let me take a piece of your turkey at the next feast."

"What do I get if I win?"

"I'll do all of your potion homework."

"You have yourself a deal."


「 ☆ 」 -- 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now