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Keira stood beside Yang who stood with her halter on without a problem.

"It's amazing, she's so...calm." Keira said. She reached her hand out and touched the raptor who didn't seem to flinch at all under her touch. "Perhaps, she has a different thought process than the others." she said turning to Owen who was waiting at the gate for Barry's signal.

They were going to merge Yang with Blue in Blue's enclosure to see what would happen.

"What do you mean?"Owen asked glancing over his shoulder at her.

"My dad said during his experience here, the raptors were able to open doors. You know back when raptors were running around freely there were no doors. That required a higher thinking process. Blue and the others were capable of being clicker trained, even if they weren't thrilled about it. They still held somewhat of a respect for you even though you're not part of their species. Yang could be the next step up. But we'll never know. For all we know, they could just pity her."

Barry came to the gate. "Alright."

Owen led Yang into the enclosure. Blue was a little ways back watching intently as the new female entered her territory.

Barry was prepared with his tranq gun just in case things got out of hand. Owen released Yang's halter and stood back.

Keira watched from behind the gate. She wanted to be part of the experience but Owen didn't want her inside due to the dangers. But she was recording it nonetheless.

Yang glanced over at Blue before walking around smelling the air.

Blue walked over slowly with a screech but Yang didn't seem phased. Blue walked over to her, she circled her for a moment before looking to Owen approaching him. Owen widened his stance preparing to take on his first raptor.

But she walked past him over to the bucket and lifted a rat out of the bucket watching Owen before dropping it in front of Yang. Yang chirped before eating it.

"That's the most bizarre thing I've ever seen." Alan said after watching the footage Keira had sent him via email.

"Right?" Keira said. "It's incredible. Blue is constantly fighting for dominance regardless of who but she was feeding Yang as if she were her own young."

"But you said she's aggressive towards the other one?"

"Yin is pretty headstrong, thinks she can take on Blue."

Alan puffed out his cheeks widening his eyes before settling back. "I don't know what to say. There's been no research that could explain a defect in a velociraptor. Normally, they tend to disregard the weak or kill them at least in the animal kingdom as I remember it."

"So do you think my theory may be too far fetch?"

"In a world where we are still learning something new everyday, not at all."

Owen returned from bringing back Yang to the paddock to reunite with Yin. Yin sniffed the air letting out a screech and clawing at the ground but didn't do anything allowing Yang to go about her business. He was baffled by the situation as he entered the Bungalow.

Suddenly, he heard Keira singing in the shower. He chortled to himself before walking into the steamy bathroom.

"Is that Tina Turner singing in there?" he called.

Keira poked her head out from behind the curtain, her hair dripping everywhere. "Yes, and the show isn't free."

"Awww." he said leaning against the sink. "How was your daily lecture today?"

"Well, we went over fecal samples thus why I came in here the minute I got home."

"Oooh talk dirty to me."

"Okay, mud...grime...mold.."

"Oh stop, you're driving me crazy."

She giggled.

She was shampooing her hair when she heard the shower curtain open and Owen jumped in. She rinsed her hair to avoid getting shampoo in her eyes and before she could respond, he pulled her into a hug. He let out a sigh. "Ah, this is nice." he said. She wrapped her arms around him in return with a content smile.

"Now serenade me Tina." he said.

After the shower, the two laid in bed with Dino at their feet snoring away. Keira looked up at him as his hand grazed the side of her face.

"I remember the first time I saw you." Owen said.

She smiled.

"Following Claire all over to find this one stubborn woman who refused to carry her radio on her."

She blushed.

"And then this smokin' woman pops out of this tree. You strutted on over, you looked at me, I looked at you. I could instantly tell you were attracted to me.."

"We remember things quite differently." she giggled.

"Nope mine is completely accurate."

"Sure." she said snuggling in to him.

"Regardless, I still got you."

Keira had a smile on her face the next morning that just wouldn't fade. She had waken up to a flower beside her on the pillow.

She walked out of the bungalow to start her work for the day.

Barry and Owen were allowing Yang and Blue to interact but they had Yin with them attempting to merge them all into one group.

Owen led in Yin, Blue started screeching immediately but Yang remained still.

"Let them go." Barry said. He released Yin who moved forward and Blue reached her quickly. They stared at each other while they circled each other. They snapped at each other.

"Get ready." Owen said to Barry.

Barry raised the gun. But suddenly, Yang lifted her head straight up and let out several deafening calls. The two looked at her. Yang went silent before trotting off. Blue and Yin looked over at each other before Blue let out a huff in Yin's face and walking away.

"What just happened?"

Despite the confusion, it seemed that Yang didn't want the dominant position among the group. She seemed content with Blue calling the shots. Yin on the other hand, didn't take kindly to it. However, with Blue being much larger and stronger, it only took several times of being handed her ass and pinned down before she submitting to Blue. But it seemed Yang just mediated between the two stubborn females.

"This is probably the coolest thing to ever be witnessed." Keira said watching the three excitedly. Owen smiled clicking the clicker from he stood. The three looked up at him.

"Alright girls...let's get to work."

Barry released the pig.

Blue let out a screech and led the hunt with Yin and Yang trailing behind her.

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