Chapter Two: Day Off

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The promise of meeting new dinosaurs once they hatched always held a bittersweet vibe within Keira's mind

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The promise of meeting new dinosaurs once they hatched always held a bittersweet vibe within Keira's mind. The delight of welcoming the creatures to their new world always caused her to become excited, but somehow, knowing the troubles they would face after they left the hatchery left it less than desirable to be a part of it. After the majority of the herbivore dinosaurs left the hatchery labs, they would find themselves placed throughout the park for the amusement of the younger audiences that attended. Many of them found their way into the rotation of the Gentle Giant Petting Zoo and the riding ring provided, and if Keira had any say in that matter, it would be the first attraction of the part to be closed down.

Yet, she always found herself in the minority when it came to voice her opinions about the conditions that the dinosaurs were worked under. She had heard the same thing over and over, that was it wasn't necessarily cruelty because the dinosaurs were created for the sake of the park. They weren't even supposed to be around as they had been long extinct, so it didn't matter what conditions they were under. Keira found that to be more than cruel in the thought process, the dinosaurs were created for the sole purpose of amusement, but the problem was, the dinosaurs didn't understand that.

Anger coursed through her body as she returned home, always finding it hypocritical that Claire claimed that she didn't do her part in listening when it came to the park's safety protocol, but here they were allowing children to bounce on the backs of creatures and harass them throughout the day. How was that any less dangerous than Keira not having her radio on her?

Returning home after a long day out in the field or in the hatchery, Keira felt overdue for some sleep, even if it was a short nap. When she entered her trailer, Dino greeted her with his stuffed squeaky toy, looking to play, but Keira gave a shake of her head.

"Not right now, Dino, I need some rest," she told him, making her way to her bedroom and flopping onto her bed with a huff. Dino followed her and jumped up onto the bed as well, laying his large head over the back of her legs and letting out a loud sigh of discontent. For a few moments, the two of them remained still as Keira stared at the headboard of her bed, lost in her thoughts again.

It was never a fun occasion for Keira when the day was interrupted by Claire Dearing showing her face in her territory. Keira didn't mean it in a rude way, however, Claire never seemed to like her from the very beginning or perhaps it was something along the lines that their personalities clashed quite a bit. Claire was very business-oriented, the type of woman that never let her hair down in a metaphorical sense because her main focus was what was going to impress the sponsors of the park and what would increase visitation numbers. Keira understood that as Park Manager that it was Claire's job to do so, but at the same time, it was like the woman held no compassion for the creatures.

She had to know that the dinosaurs were still living and breathing creatures.

And to make things even more awkward for Keira, her scolding for the lack of radio had taken place in front of another park employee. She definitely didn't expect to see the likes of Owen Grady in the back plains that afternoon as the two hardly had any interaction besides a brief introduction a couple of years back. It seemed they both remembered that encounter though, albeit a bit differently.

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