Pretty Places and Raptor Faces

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"Blue got her pretty good." Barry sighed pulling away from Echo's face after examining the fresh cut. Owen had his hands resting on his hips before looking over at Blue who was in her harness restraints.

"I think you've made your point clear to them Blue, you're in charge."

Blue let out a snort before looking away and trying to squirm out of the harness.

"You mind heading to the infirmary to grab some disinfectant cream?" Barry asked.

Owen nodded. "Not a problem. I'll be back."

He took the company vehicle up to the main part of the park and headed inside after security allowed him entrance. He skipped up the stairs towards the infirmary but paused when he saw the Hatchery Room across the way.

Keira was sitting on a stool with her head resting in her hands, her elbows planted on the egg incubator as a batch of eggs seemed to be hatching. Her face filled with delight as the egg closest to her began cracking. She hopped up excitedly clapping her hands causing the other scientist to look over.

She mouthed her apology before returning her gaze back onto the hatching dinosaurs. Owen smiled to himself before walking off to retrieve the ointment.

"Welcome little one." she smiled as the small Gallimimus let out it's first cry attempting to break out of the shell. Several others began hatching and following suit of the first. She knelt down watching them move around.

"You look at them the same way your parents did the first time."

She turned and saw Dr. Henry Wu. She chuckled.

"I can't help it, it's like seeing them for the first time every time a new batch is hatched."

"Well they seem to like your presence." Keira looked down and saw one of the babies looking up and her tilting it's head in all angles before crying out.

"Probably just hungry."

"No, I think it's something more than that. You have a way with dinosaurs. Your mother was the same. First day on the island and she was helping a sick triceratops."

Keira nodded. "I used to ask her all the time when I was a kid to tell me that story. It's really the only one she'll bother mentioning."

"I can't say their other experiences were good ones. But it's different now. I mean look at this." he looked around at all the man-made nests.

"It's amazing. It's too bad people don't see the beauty that's in the creatures alone."

Dr. Wu was silent. She looked up, he gave a small smile before excusing himself. She turned her attention back to the young curious Gallimimus before she heard tapping on the window. She saw Lowery. He waved at her rapidly.

"Oh lord Lowery, what is it now?" she said under her breath before leaving the Hatchery.

"Hey," she greeted him," what's up?"

"The whole park is talking."

"Talking about what?"

"Well, not the whole park, but the employees that's for sure," he said rambling on.

"Lowery, what are you talking about, what is the whole park talking about?"

"Not the entire park-"

"Lowery!" she laughed.

"You and Mr. Raptor Man."

"Raptor Man...really?"

"Not my idea to call him that." Lowery said quickly. "Anyways, word is that he's asking you out on a date today."

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