Old Faces, New Beginnings

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"Remember what you first said to me about having kids?" Ellie said holding her husband's hand. He looked over at her with a small smirk.

"They're noisy..."


"They're expensive." he finished with a chuckle.

"Oh and don't forget, they smell." Ellie added.

"Well I still think that." he told her. "About other children. But not mine. We have a special one. The night she was born she hardly made a sound, she slept all the time pretty much. Then when those eyes were opened, I knew we were in trouble." he sighed.

"Why's that?" Ellie asked.

"Because I could see the fire and passion in her eyes, the same fire that's drawn to adventure. The passion to help others out. The same look I see in your eyes. I can hear it in her voice when we're talking on the computer or the phone. The way she talks about those animals on the island, is like you talking about plants. First time there and you nearly missed a Brachiosaurus while looking at a leaf." he mused.

Ellie squeezed his hand.

"She also takes a lot after you Alan. The way she speaks about dinosaurs was the same way you did before you set foot on that island. She wanted to follow you all around those dig sites when she was little listening to you talk to the others about the dinosaur. And then you two and your hats." she laughed with a small cry.

"We're getting her back."

"You said you would never step foot on this island ever again."

"I also said I'd never have kids." he told her.

They were interrupted by a loud snore. Alan rolled his eyes.

"Why did we invite him again?"

Ellie shrugged. "He answered."

Keira held her arm up as one of the helicopters landed down in the square causing her hair to whip all over the place as she rested in Owen's arms. She asked him to put her down, he was reluctant at first but finally agreed. She rested on her strong leg and moved forward as the engine was cut and the blades began to slow.

The doors were thrust open and Keira paused for a moment as the infamous Ian Malcolm stepped out looking somewhat groggily.

"Dr. Malcolm?" she said bewildered.

"Hey kid, it's been awhile. And...look at you, you look like your mother twenty years ago."

"Easy there hotshot!" a gruff voice called. Keira looked immediately to the helicopter and saw a hand come out and place on a hat over a familiar slightly balding head.

"Dad?!" she cried.

She could see the hesitation on his face before he took his first step on the island after all those years before moving over to her rapidly. Her mother jumped out quickly behind him.

"Keira!" The two parents wrapped themselves around her tightly.

Keira yelped in pain but was so happy to see them. Ellie quickly pulled away.

"Oh goodness Keira!" Ellie cried looking at her daughter's body seeing the bruises and cuts not to mention the blood seeping down her leg. "What happened?"

Keira looked around as soldiers dropped down onto the shattered amusement park, her parents were before her on the island something she couldn't imagine. Dr. Malcolm was shaking his head looking around his hands resting on his hips.

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