Warm Welcome

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There was a knock on the Bungalow door as the two adults were planning their trip. Owen was calling his parents to arrange a flight for them to go to Montana after he announced the engagement. His parents were thrilled especially Mrs. Grady. But it only wracked Keira's nerves to meet his parents.

Keira walked over answering it, to find Mr.Carter.

"May I come in?" he asked.

"Of course." she said stepping back and letting him in along with his two bodyguards. Mr. Carter looked around the humble little bungalow.

"Nice little place you got here." he said.

Owen shrugged. "A place to sleep, eat, and use the bathroom, works for me."

The men chuckled as Keira shook her head.

"It was brought to my attention that the two of you will be returning to the states here shortly."

"Yup, the future in-laws get to meet each other." Owen told him.

"Would it be possible for you two to stop in Washington, D.C upon your return?"

The two looked at him puzzled by the offer.

"Sure, I guess, for what?" Owen asked.

"Mr. President would like to meet you two and thank you both personally for your work."

"I say Miss Grant, for someone who has been through hell and back twice, I would think you were nervous." Claire teased.

Keira looked up at her as she twisted the ring around her finger. "I'm meeting Owen's parents, his parents are meeting mine, we're meeting the President of the United States, excuse me for being a little frazzled Claire."

"But why?"

"Because I'm not exactly a people person."

"You say that but it's not true." Keira made a face. Claire sat down before her.

"I'm not a people person, you..you get along well with people, you just get along better with animals. Just be yourself, people apparently like that."

Keira chuckled. "Is that your way of giving advice?"

"Like I said, I'm not a people person. I'm a business woman and a damn good one."

"Dear Lord Dino, we'll only be gone a week!" Keira called to the dog who was resting beside Eve in the plains. She had called him back several times but he refused to move. Keira plopped down at his stubborn nature.

"Like owner, like dog." Owen said walking up beside her.

She stuck her tongue out at him. "We've been out here for an hour, I said he could say goodbye, now I'm regretting it. We're going to have to drag him back to the helicopter."

"Which is leaving shortly." he said looking at his watch.

She drew her knees to her chest.

"It's going to be fine you know. My mother is going to love you. She already does. They both just want to meet you. I should be the one nervous, you Dad could spring at me at any moment."

Keira snickered. "I doubt it. Mom will make sure he's on his best behavior especially while your parents are around." she said. "Did you get to see the girls?"

He shook his head. "They are across the river right now. I'll see them when I get back. Barry knows what to do while we're gone."

"Yeah I spoke with Lowery and Claire about how to run the interns and workers while we're gone. Madison said there shouldn't be any new hatchlings while we're gone."

"So we're all set...let's go grab that dog and get going." he offered his hand pulling her up.

"Dino!" they both called. The dog looked from Eve before finally pushing himself up and trotting over, he let out a grumble as he passed them.

"Hey no backtalking mister or you won't get any milkbones this flight!" Owen called after him.

Keira rubbed her hands together trying to calm her nerves as they arrived in Washington, D.C. They were security checked before Dino was taken by a White House assistant and they followed another into a meeting room.

"Would you stop, you're making me nervous!" Owen said to her.

"I can't help it. We're meeting the president!" she said.

"You guys sound like a married couple already." a voice chuckled, they looked to see the president walk in with secret service surrounding him before they closed the doors immediately behind him.

The couple quickly arose to their feet.

"Mr. President." Owen said stretching out his hand.

"Mr. Grady." he shook his hand and then offered it to Keira. "Ms. Grant."

"H-hi." she stammered.

"Come, sit down." he said offering them a seat. They sat down like obedient children. "I wanted to welcome you guys here and personally thank you for your amazing work. To be honest, it's fascinating to me, the work you do. The thrill of working with such creatures is truly remarkable. I've heard a lot about you two."

"Really?" Keira asked.

"Yes, just as I've heard a lot about your parents Ms. Grant. I also wanted to thank you for your action against InGen despite it being the original creator of your work."

"That's true Mr. President, they helped bring the idea to reality but they lost sight of it." Keira said.

"InGen came here to propose the idea at one point of using them as weapons of war."

"That was the problem, they aren't weapons, they're animals." Owen said.

"I fully agree." The president said. "It's a shame that InGen couldn't see that and had to fall the way it did."

The two were quiet.

"Moving on though, Mr. Carter has only good things to say about the sanctuary you two run and I hope you two are willing to continue with that."

"As long as there are dinosaurs." Keira answered. The president smiled.

"That's what I like to hear. Dedication."

After receiving praise and recognition for their work, the president presented the two with medals and told them continue on with their work. Dino was brought to them before they had to head to Montana to Keira's house where both sets of parents were waiting.

"You think they'll get along?" Keira asked Owen.

"I don't see why not. If they don't we could let them challenge each other to a flanking match."

Keira rolled her eyes.


"Stop worrying." Owen shook her playfully. "You've stared down raptors, survived a Indominus Rex,been trampled by triceratops, slammed into a tree by an Apatosaurus-"

"Okay, I get it!"

"What I'm getting at is, you're meeting my parents, it's not the end of the world. My mom has been dying to meet you since I first mentioned you on the phone. She's going to love you and my dad loves everyone."

She sighed. "Okay okay,I'm cool."

A/N: Not the most thrilling of chapters but next chapter will be when the Grants meet the Gradys which will be fun. I just wanted to hear from you guys what you want the sequel to follow. Keira and Owen starting marriage life or down the road when they actually have a family. You guys can let me know in comments or a message.

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