Welcome to Jurassic Park

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Keira fell to the ground and took the boys nearly with her.

"Ugh, just stop for a minute." she breathed, her leg ached something fierce and her makeshift bandage wasn't holding up that well.

"We're not going to make it back to the park before night fall at this pace." Zach said.

"I'm trying my best alright?" she said. "You try getting ran over by a stampede of triceratops, stabbed in the leg and running through a jungle. Then we'll talk."

Zach frowned. "I'm sorry I just want to get out of here." he said.

"I know. So do I, and we will. I promise." Zach decided to look around a bit leaving his little brother with her.

Gray sat down beside her. She looked tired , beaten and sad. He caught glimpse of her park pass and read her name.

"Keira Grant? Grant as is in...you're the Dinosaur Man's daughter?!"

"He prefers Alan but yes." she sighed.

"This is amazing! I've read all your dad's stuff and your mom's."

Keira looked up at the excited little boy, his smile was contagious. "Well, when we get out of here, I'll be sure to have them autograph some things for you."


"Yes." she chuckled.

"Hey, you guys, I found something." The boys helped her up to her feet as she limped along and they came upon the old ruins. The ruins of the place that was the basis of her parent's nightmares. Jurassic Park.

Owen was driving scanning the area for any sign of Keira or the boys. Dino whined in the backseat.

"Not now Dino!" he said frustrated.

Dino let out a bark.

"What?!" he went to turn to look at him but as he looked out Claire's window he caught glimpse of something flickering in the light in the distance. He un-clipped his seat belt and ran out.

"Owen wait!" Claire called after him but he didn't slow by any means. Dino quickly caught up to him and they reached the wrecked car that he instantly recognized as Keira's. Dino began sniffing around before they came upon blood. Dino let out a small whimper and his ears flattened.

"No, it's alright boy, she's okay. She's okay." his eyes fell to the footprints laced in the mud. Three pairs of footprints.

"They're alive!" he said happily. Claire reached his side and saw the footprints. "Oh thank god, that means she's with them."

Dino let out a bark and took off.

"Dino no!" Owen said running after him but it was no use as the dog disappeared quickly.

Keira looked down at the debris covered logo of the failed park.

"Son of a bitch." she muttered under her breath. She walked around. She could hear all the stories in her head that she heard growing up.

"Over here!" Zach's voice called. She leaned against the wall and made her way over to see the two brothers standing before one of the old park vehicles.

"Think you guys can make it work?"

Zach turned to his little brother. "Remember that time we worked on grandpa's car?"

"Alright gentlemen, let's get to it."

After finding a battery from another company vehicle, the boys managed to jerryrig the battery in the car and start it up.

Keira sat in the back putting her leg up.

"You can drive right?" she asked.

"I failed my driver's test but only the written part."

She quickly fastened her seat belt.

"Let's go." she gripped the seat as he took off.

"This place is haunting." Owen said as they entered the old visitor park ruins.

"They were here!" Claire called seeing the tire tracks. Owen looked at them and then back to the other vehicle.

"How the hell did they get it to run?" he questioned. Suddenly, a deafening call of the Indominus Rex made them fall to the ground and hide behind the remaining vehicle. The Indominus Rex ripped her way through attempting to seek them out. When it seemed like she had parted, they were nearly caught when she swooped in again. They took off but were distracted by a helicopter overhead, armed with machine guns.

Claire and Owen watched in horror as Marsani's helicopter attempt to take down the Indominus Rex was a complete failure. The nearly licensed pilot was suddenly swarmed after the Indominus Rex crashed through the Jurassic World Aviary. The Pteranodons and Dimorphodons took to the air as the hybrid let out a roaring cry. The helicopter crew including the two soldiers attempted to defend themselves but were killed swiftly.

Marsani lost control spiraling down until he crashed and the helicopter exploded.

Owen stood for a moment in pure shock while Claire let out a slight whimper.

He saw the pterosaurs take flight.

"We gotta go. Run!" he said as they took off into the trees.

The car came to a screeching halt as they hit Main Street. Keira got out with assistance from the boys.

"There you guys are!" Keira looked over and saw one of Claire's personal assistants Zara run over to them. The boys didn't seem as enthusiastic to see her but there were more alarming matters as Keira looked to the sky. She saw the pterosaurs coming in full force.

"Take cover!" she said grabbing the two boys and ripping them down. Several of the larger ones swooped down and the attack began.

Tourists began screaming and panicking as they were scratched, bit and even thrown into the air.

"We need to get to some shelter." Keira said pushing herself up. She pushed the boys along in front of her. Suddenly, Zara was hoisted up. Keira grabbed her leg but the Pteranodon was too strong ripping Zara away and flying over the Mosasaurus tank. The large aquatic animal swam straight up grabbing the Pteranodon and Zara and disappearing below. The three stood there for a moment in shock before Keira was suddenly tackled down. The Dimorphodon before snapped repeatedly in her face as she struggled to push it away. Suddenly, it was tackled down. She sat up quickly and saw Dino growling protectively in front of her as the Dimorphodon crashed to the ground.

"Dino!" she said surprised to see the German shepherd. His hackles were up and he bared all his teeth.

"Dino, no, come!" she said trying to lure the dog away. But Dino refused as he crouched lower as the Dimorphodon was back up ready to attack. It let out a screech before making it's way towards the dog.

"Dino no!" She couldn't bare to watch her furry friend be ripped apart but her leg was screaming.

Suddenly, there was a shot and before the Dimorphodon could strike it fell dead to the pavement. Keira looked over her shoulder.


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