Chicken Noodle Soup

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Keira found herself around the center of the park one late evening to find herself a dinner but most of the shops were closed. She would have to settle for a bag of chips and an odd dinosaur shaped pastry. Her stomach growled.

"Yeah, yeah. I heard you the first time." she mumbled. She hadn't seen Owen in over a week and she was determined her father had completely scared him off as he did with most men that had attempted to enter Keira's life even if it was in just a friendly manner. She was attempting to open up the bag of chips when something grabbed her shoulder. Her first instinct she rammed her elbow back and turned to get away only to see Owen clutching his abdomen.

"Oh my god." she said before clapping her hands over her mouth. "I am so sorry." 

He held his hand up waving it. "No, that's okay, I should have known better than to sneak up." he gasped.

"I am really sorry, it's just that it's night and...well we do work at a dinosaur park."

"You were going to elbow a dinosaur in the stomach?"

"I was going to try." she gave an innocent shrug.

"I feel bad for the dinosaurs that attempt to attack you." he breathed.

"I'm so-"

He began to chuckle. "Will you stop apologizing? I should be apologizing. I'm the one who snuck up on you."

She furrowed her brow. "Actually, yeah, you did sneak up on me! What gives?"

"I take that back, can I have the sympathetic Keira back please?"

She snorted. "What are you doing out here this late?" she asked walking over to him.

"What are you doing out here this late?"

"Nah uh, I asked first."

"Well, I went to your house and you weren't there. Then I went to plains and you weren't there. Figured this would be the last place I hit up before I bothered your friend Lowery. Now your turn."

"Dinner." she said simply holding up the bag of chips and pastry bag.

"You call that dinner?" he said.

"Well, it isn't Food Network worthy but I'm not picky."

"The dinosaurs eat better than that. Come on." he grabbed her hand and began leading her through the park.

"And where are we going?"

"To my place for some real food."

"Chef Grady strikes again."

"Not this time, Barry made some chicken noodle soup for me when I was sick this past week. He made enough for the entire village." he chuckled.

"Is that where you've been?" she asked. "Sick in bed?"

"Yeah, unfortunately. I guess the rain put me on my ass. Sorry for not calling you but Barry is pretty strict, you thought your parents were overbearing."

She giggled. "I could see that with Barry, but at least he took care of poor wittle Grady." she pinched his cheek.

"Aww come on, admit it, you missed me, didn't you?"

He watched her smirk into the night sky. "Perhaps." she answered. "I know for certain that Dino missed you."

"I'm flattered." he said as they reached the park edge.

"Where did you park?" she asked curiously.

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