Downpour and Stare Downs

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Keira was lacing up her boots one evening when Owen walking from a long day of working.

"Why does it look like you're about to go out?" he asked.

"Because I am." she responded.

He made a pouty face. "But...I just got off work."

"I'm not going to be long." she told him. "The baby Apatosaurus had a wicked bellyache earlier. I gave her an herbal remedy, I just was going out there to check if she was doing better."

"Fine, but when we come back we're cuddling."

"Yes sir." she said.

"I mean it, I'm putting my foot down on this one." he said following her out with Dino.

"Is he coming into the plains with us?" he asked.

"No, he just likes the ride."

When they reached the plains, they pulled out their flashlights and began the search for the baby. However, as they were wandering around, thunder began rumbling.

"Oh great." Owen said.

"What afraid to get your hair wet?" she asked him.

"You know, you may think it's effortless for me to look this good, but it takes me a while to pull off the rugged sexy look."

She smirked with a head shake before she scanned the land with her light and found the herd.

"There you guys are." she said running forward.


She walked over to the baby who groaned slightly waking up. He watched as she felt the baby's stomach applying pressure and then rummaging through her bag.

"Brought you another round, you should be good by morning." she said giving the baby the dose of herbs and then rising to her feet. There was a sudden bolt of lightening and then a deafening sound of thunder.

"Time to go." Owen said grabbing her hand. However, as they headed back to the car it began pouring. They were soaked as they jumped into the car shivering.

They had switched seats in the hurry and Owen ended up driving but instead of returning to Keira's place, they ended up back at the Bungalow.

They ran inside trying to avoiding getting soaked further.

"We're gonna end up getting sick." Owen said.

"At least we'll have an excuse for you to make your mom's chicken noodle soup." her teeth chattered. He went to his room and grabbed some clothing, bringing it out to her.

"You can change in my room." he told her before leaving to his bathroom.

She slipped on the baggy clothing but felt a relief of warmth. A couple minutes later there was a knock.

"Is it safe?"

"Yup, I'm completely naked." she told him.

He opened the door. "Aww you tease." he said. "Here let me take your clothes, I'll throw them in the dryer."

When he returned, Keira was still standing there slightly shivering.

"Come here." he said stretching out his arms. She nuzzled into him, but he was still pretty cold himself.

He walked her over to the bed and pulled his duvet around her and sat holding her on the bed.

"Way to make me look like a blanket hog." she said unraveling herself and throwing half of it around him. She curled up beside him as he wrapped his arms around her and chuckled.

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