
It sounded like a good idea. We wanted to get outside, so we figured we'd use up what's basically our last day to relax but also be outside.

At first, the hot springs were off the table because Danny didn't want people to see his scratched up back. Those little marks are still kind of there, but he's decided he wants to check the hot springs out before we go home. And, interestingly enough, he never even asked me while he talked about it if I wanted to go with him. It sounded like he decided I was coming with when he came up with the plan to go.

I didn't argue with him though or tell him I didn't feel like going. It sounds like a good place to spend our last day, and I wouldn't mind spending it with him. Even if he doesn't really feel the same about me and simply doesn't want to go alone. I can't tell what the case is anymore though, so I won't even guess which one it is.

I'd ask, but I doubt I'd get a straight answer. Even if he wasn't a little tipsy right now.

"It's a bad idea to get drunk in a pool." I decide simply while I watch him sip on his drink. It becomes even worse when you factor in the fact that we're still in the water while sitting at the bar. For some strange but weirdly wonderful reason, the bar is half submerged under the water. Even in the barstools, the water makes it up to my hips.

"I won't drown." He dismisses on a chuckle. I sigh as I shake my head, looking down at my phone on the completely dry counter. He got me this little plastic bag to toss it in everywhere else, and it makes me want to laugh. He knew I didn't want to leave my phone with the rest of our things where everything is dry, and even made moves to stop a future issue.

He's used to me wanting my phone for pictures by now. So, when I start turning my back to him and lifting my arm up with my phone, he only sighs before he smiles gently at the camera. He leans in close over my shoulder which is something I'm used to when taking a picture with him. What I'm not used to, is the way his hand rests on my waist below the view of the camera while he does.

I shouldn't feel so tingly at his touch since we've literally slept together, but I do. Because I, stupidly, developed feelings for a guy who isn't going to like me back.

I spin around as soon as one is taken. He looks a little confused when I do though. "What?" He asks.

I pause while I process his question. "What?" I quietly repeat.

He shrugs. "Didn't like that pose or what?" He reaches for his glass. "You usually take two of the same ones."

"Oh." I stupidly mutter, staring silently at him for an extra moment before I look down at my phone. "No, it was a good picture." I shrug. I don't offer a reason why I didn't click the button twice like I normally do. I just didn't.

Danny shrugs me off, unconcerned about the pictures. "All right." He hums under his breath. "You want a picture of just yourself?" He asks absently.

I awkwardly nod. "Yeah, actually." I've taken a few, but they're all selfies where I'm holding the camera.

He nods and holds his hand out for my phone. I hand it to him as I slide off my seat and get back into the water. "Come over here. You can have the waterfall behind you." He nods me over to the right. I look behind me before I swim over that way. "Right there." Danny stops me when he decides I'm in a good spot. I do and stand up straight, letting the water make it up to just below my waist. He lifts the phone up a little higher than where I know he usually holds it, taking what I usually tell him to mind.

I turn just slightly to the side with my pose and smile coyly at the camera. Danny chuckles at my pose. "Is it good?" I ask with a laugh.

"Perfect." He hums as he lowers my phone some. His gentle smile makes me freeze for a moment until I ultimately avert my gaze. I start swimming back over without making him take more.

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