
The best thing about shopping with someone is the fact that you're both shopping for yourselves and each other. Danny doesn't know how to shop for me, but I sure know how to shop for him.

It's fun to shop for him. For one, Danny lets me dress him up without much of a fight. He groans and drags his feet, but he does it all the way to the dressing room with whatever clothes I throw at him under his arm. He stays annoyed at me the entire time, but still does as I ask him to.

That makes it possible for me to dress him up in sharp suits and pretty outfits. Instead of his jeans and an old random t-shirt, I get him to put on a new pair of dress pants and a dark green knitted collar sweater with three little buttons leading up to his collar.

It really is a Cinderella story here, let me tell you.

The only problem is his annoyance isn't a show. I can tell he's losing his patience quick, so I squeeze in a couple more outfits before I finally show the guy some mercy. He's very clearly relived to return to his old jeans and plain t-shirts. I sort of resent the fact that he likes his worn-down clothes, but I'd be lying if I said he didn't look good in them.

I sigh as I tilt my head at his plain grey shirt. "You don't even want shirts with cute cartoons on them?" I ask quietly and hopefully.

His annoyed expression only hardens. "You sound like my mom." He bitterly grumbles, having heard enough of my complaints.

"Hm," I acknowledge, still frowning a little at his shirt. My eyes slowly drift up to his the longer we stand here. His mopey expression starts to fade when my gaze meets his. And when his mouth begins to open, I smile and step away. "The sweater was cute. It'd look even cuter if you had your glasses on." I hum as I walk over to collect the dresses I picked up for myself.

I turn back around when his answer doesn't come immediately. He's still watching me with that same expression for a few seconds before it hardens over like I thought it would. His mood is like a cowlick in your hair. You can get it down for a little while, but it'll always pop right back up.

"I hated it."

"Liar." I murmur as I toss my dresses over my arm and walk back over to him to take the shirt and dress pants that he just tried on away from him. "Come on." I sigh as I turn back around to walk towards the front of the store. Danny quickly follows me.

I like the sound of my heels clicking against the tiles of the little store while I make my way to where I know we can check out. Meanwhile, Danny's sneakers squeak a little loudly when he sidesteps a lady we pass by who certainly isn't going to move out of his way. He's in her way.

I laugh to myself when I look up at him as he quickly steps up to walk in step with me. He frowns to himself and glances over his shoulder looking a little concerned. "Did I offend her?" He whispers, looking back to me.

I shake my head with a smile. "No. You were just in her way." I dismiss on a hum. He still looks confused and concerned. I get the feeling he's not the one who always needs to jump out of the way before he gets stepped on.

Danny just sighs and stands beside me while I stop in front of the desk. I smile at the man there and set my dresses and his new outfit on the counter. He hums at me and points to the outfit while the man begins scanning after making small pleasantries. "Wait, put that back." He reminds, like maybe I forgot to put them away on the way there.

"No, I'm getting it." I decide as I reach for my purse hanging loosely on my forearm. "You looked nice in it."

"I won't wear it." Danny argues, reaching for the shirt. Luckily, the man behind the counter is on my side and snatches it up to scan it. I grin at him while Danny's eyes narrow. "Skylar, I won't wear it." He insists, looking back to me.

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