
Instead of exploring my hotel room like I should've last night, I face-planted on the mattress and sort of just slept there. The next time I wake up, I do what I probably should've done in the first place and look around the room I didn't bother to explore last night. My hotel room is a little plain, but I'm not too interested in any decorations or really how the room looks.

I stare at the little gift basket on the bed that I slept around last night. Sort of just scowling at the little note congratulating me and my nonexistent wife. I ignore most of the goodies in there and just grab the bottle of wine that sticks out to me. It's only one in the afternoon and I just woke up, but I don't care.

I plan to spend most of my time in my hotel room, but I guess I should also get some fresh air occasionally. Especially since I'm in a whole new country, I should explore a little. At least try to enjoy myself outside of the hotel.

With a sigh, I slowly set the bottle down on the bed. As much as I'd like to start drinking it now, I need a shower. Besides, I'm starting to get hungry. I should probably eat before I begin to drink. I also need to get some medicine for the pounding headache I've got.

Maybe another energy drink too.


The lobby is pretty empty when I get down there, and I sort of feel a little lost, unsure of what to do here. I don't know if they offer food, but I don't think I'd want hotel food right now.

Not knowing what else to do, I take my phone out and start googling restaurants—or grocery stores—around me.

"Oop—Sorry! Excuse me."

I'm grimacing immediately, dreading the fact that I know exactly who the person behind me is without even turning around. I just glance at her when she passes ahead of me. I blink at her outfit when I see it. It's over the top and I start to wonder if all of her clothes are like that. She's in even taller high heels this time and her dress is white and shorter than the last one I saw her in. Her hair is all curled and she looks like she's going to a party.

I narrow my eyes at her, a little annoyed already. I was hoping I wouldn't see her again after we got out of that car, but that might not actually happen. At least I wouldn't have to talk to her though, I'd just have to occasionally see her over-the-top outfits.

She stumbles a little over the carpet, I guess. It's a little amusing when it really shouldn't be. She seems like she wears high heels a lot and blinks when she stumbles like it surprised her. Though, the heel on her shoe is dangerously thin. It's almost concerning.

She huffs at the carpet, angry with it for some reason. When she looks up from the carpet, she locks eyes with me immediately. A scowl sets on her face and I turn my attention back to my phone, mindlessly scrolling through Google to find somewhere to eat. "Hey. You." Skylar calls out. I groan but don't lift my gaze from my phone. "Daniel." She grumbles, approaching me.

I scoff at her. "Danny." I correct. "What do you need?" I harshly question. I debate on just taking a step back and speed walking away from her. I doubt she can run in those shoes. I could make a quick getaway and she'd never catch up.

Skylar crosses her arms, glaring up at me even though she's the one who started this conversation. The top of her head makes it to just below my nose bridge and I can't help but wonder if she's tall, or if it's just the heels. I assume it's the heels for now since they're so high. "Any idea where a good restaurant is?" She questions, still glaring at me.

I roll my eyes at her. "Figure it out yourself." I dismiss, looking back down at my phone. You'd think she'd know to do that if she's on a vacation by herself. Apparently not.

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