
I always thought love was an important thing to have in your life. Maybe it's because of what my parents have shown me my whole life, but that's kind of always how it's been.

For a while there, I realized I didn't need to worry that much about having love in my life. It was there already, and it was easy. I guess I'm realizing now though that it was probably too easy. Now I know that it was so easy because it was just me.

There was a reason we never fought. A reason she didn't sit down with me and tell me she felt like we didn't go on enough dates anymore. There was a reason for it all, and I was too stupid to realize it. I always just smiled through it and decided we had the greatest relationship in the world. I mean, we never fought. How great is that?

Not that great, as it turns out.

Funny thing is, I don't know what to do with myself anymore without that love I thought I had in my life. I think that's pretty reasonable since I was just set to be married, like, two months ago. Married to a girl I've been with since high school. And I've known her even longer than that.

I've always had Veronica in my life, and now I don't really know what to do without her. The thing is though, I don't want her back. I feel lost without her, but I'd feel even worse if I had her back.

I guess I'm supposed to just deal with it though. i don't know how, but I'm supposed to figure it out. I would really like it if I could do that quick. I sort of have people here who are expecting me to just be fine. To bounce back and be the same idiot I've always been. Until I somehow manage to bounce back, I am stuck sleeping in my brother's guest room, glaring at the ceiling as I listen to how much him and his girlfriend love each other.

One thing to know about being in that post break up stage, it is a terrible idea to surround yourself with annoyingly in love people. It'll make you hate them.

Everything in this fucking house reminds me about how much they love each other. The giggling in the other room, the little things left around the house that weren't there before but are there now because...I don't fucking know. He just loves her so much he lets her leave her fucking hair ties everywhere.

I can't even go outside because they even have reminders out there. It's simple though. Like his motorcycle parked beside the little red buggy that he somehow forces himself into when she wants to go to somewhere with him but doesn't want to go on his 'death trap'. Which, fair enough.

I make myself ignore all the annoyingly lovey-dovey things in the house just because he is still letting me stay here instead of sending me off to my parents'. Besides, when his girlfriend, Delilah, is over, the house smells like cookies. There is always about an hour of the house smelling like a high school locker room full of kids who just discovered cologne, but that's just because Logan insists on the house smelling 'great' for his girlfriend.

Delilah has yet to say anything about the suffocating smell when she gets here, so Logan automatically thinks she likes it. What he doesn't seem to catch is the little grimace on her face and the fact that she immediately runs off to make some cookies. Not for him, of course. Just so the house smells less suffocating.

It's a sad cycle to see. Also annoying because I get to see how much they love each other. One does everything in his power to make his home nice and welcoming for her, and the other does everything in her power to not have to sit down with him and tell him that his efforts are terrible.

God, I hate that I love them.

I sigh deeply as I bite the bullet and wander into the kitchen. The scene before me is what you'd expect from a couple who are still in that phase where they love each other too much for their own good. That paired with the fact that one of them is a baker...it's horrifying.

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