They Try Again

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"Fucking finally," Kellerman muttered, spying a platoon of M4 Abrams tanks entering the street from three different alleyways. They were accompanied by supporting infantry. "Reinforcements, and just what I need to blow every single one of those 'Spartans' to hell."

"Wait!" Sgt Batts' voice carried across the road, "Wait general, I've reconsidered your offer, and I think I will come out for the surrender."

"Very good news!" General Kellerman replied, relieved.

He turned to give a respectful nod to Dr. Alulim only to find he was gone. He shrugged. Ending the day without wonton death and destruction was a very favorable outcome indeed, and if he could claim all the credit for it...all the better.

The general came forward with some of his men. A victorious grin spread across his face as one of the trucks was driven out of the way.

The grin faded as he saw Sgt. Batts and another man, supported by two others coming toward him.

"Shit," Kellerman muttered.

Sgt. Batts was giving him a look that said, "I didn't say my surrender, General."

Just then Batts looked away as Hans muttered something to him, then cracked a smile, "Uh, yes sir, I understand my idea of 'stalling' needs some work."

"General Kellerman," Hans said, "Give me your microphone."

"Uh, hmm, yessir," the general said, handing the governor his microphone.

Speaking into it, Hans announced, "Citizens of Second Chance. This is Governor Hans Agler. I am quite alive and quite alright. It distresses me greatly to hear that some of you are neither alive nor alright. I will address the situation immediately and ensure that something like this never happens again."

Handing off the microphone to Sgt. Batts, Hans motioned to the soldiers, "Arrest General Kellerman on charges of conspiracy to commit treason." Turning toward the hospital, "And clear this road! This is a hospital not a damn military installation. How's an ambulance gonna get in here!?"

There were grins on the faces of Alyonna's company as they did as they were bidden, piling the sandbags back on the trucks and clearing themselves from the hospital. Their commander was back alright!

The general was chagrined to realize that many of his own men were jumping to do the governor's bidding. The man clapping him in cuffs was his own aid, Lt. Abigail Alzabi. He could understand that one though. He didn't think he'd ever actually sat for a compliance meeting.

The colonists he'd told to flee were trickling back in at the sound of Hans' voice over the microphone. Hundreds of people would see Kellerman dragged away in chains. The general eyed Hans' back with a look of pure hatred.

"Hate him all you want you weasel," Alyonna hissed in his ear, "but that's all you'll be seeing from now on. Everyone will turn their back on you after the events of the last few weeks."

"Don't be too sure," the general growled as he was led away, "Power has a tendency to make false words true."


"There he goes," an opulently attired porcine man hissed. "This is your chance, Themis. Everyone is focused on the Governor. Kill him now. Do it quiet like."

The cowled figure in the black jacket slipped into the alleyway behind the retreating, long robed back of his unwitting adversary. Stealing silently along the ground in the waning light, he crept forward. Another, similarly cowled figure stepped out to bar the man's way at the end of the alley.

"You're never going to quit are you?" Ahriman said, sighing and pausing in the street.

The figures closed in, long blades slipping from beneath their coats.

"You are aware that I will not kill my own subjects unless I am first attacked by them?"

The figures moved into ten paces without saying anything, then paused.

"We're counting on it, Regent," the one before him said softly, "Do not call out, or we will kill a Caelbodwin child."

"Ah," Ahriman rumbled, "I wondered what happened to my old friends. But I do not need my people to deal with the Brethren for me. Come forth champions. Try your might!"

Ahriman let the large heavy scarf that served for a shirt fall to the ground, revealing an enormous torso rippling with muscles. The chiseled contours of his body were nothing short of extraordinary, resembling the works of art carved by ancient masters. The lines of each muscle flowed like the sinuous curves of a Greek statue, yet sang with virility. His abdomen was a symphony of power and grace, invoking a sense of awe and reverence.

His assailants closed in, wicked blades seeking to add their own cuts to the stone. The blade in front feinted, while the one in back slipped silently toward his spine. Ahriman ignored the feint in front. Spinning around he used his left hand to chop the rear assailant in the wrist. His right fell like a drop forge, synergistically powered by his abdomen, upon the head of the man in the dark cowl. First one crack was heard, and an eyeball bounced between Ahriman's legs. The man didn't even have time to cry out as his head struck the pavement with a second sickening crack. Themis lay shattered, his blood watering the streets of the virgin town.

The second assailant did not hesitate, trained killer as he was, and struck while Ahriman had his back turned. His blade wetted itself on the giant's shoulder as Ahriman spun to face him. The blade bathed itself no further as Ahriman's hand closed around his enemy's neck, snapping it like a twig.

The giant dropped the body to the ground, and swept his gaze over the alleyway. He paused facing back the way he'd come, "Come out Adam, I know you're there."

No response.

"I can see your belly sticking out past that dumpster. Come out I say!" The order snapped across the empty space between them.

Adam Galloway, quivering with fear, stepped from behind the dumpster, "You," he choked, "You cannot hurt me your own rules, I have not attacked you." The second chin beneath the pale face trembled.

"So I will not," Ahriman said softly, bending down to pick up his scarf, "Go back to your master, and tell him that I am coming for him. It pains me greatly to end you, as you are my people too, but this insult will not be overlooked!"

Ahriman's gaze was imperious and piercing. The gemstone merchant before him trembled and quivered, sticky sweat and fear scent washing off him in waves.

"Now go," Ahriman said shortly, jerking his head, "And send someone to get these bodies off my streets!" He called at Adam' retreating back.

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