Chapter 43 Invisibility Ring

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A ring worn on the middle finger of the right hand will send a message to everyone around -

that the person is in love.

Saiki Kosuke's aesthetic sense is indeed good. Perhaps he has seen many gifts given to each other by lovers in the UK. When polishing, he deliberately referred to some classic shapes of engagement rings.

Therefore, in the process of the ring slowly approaching, Zenyuan Tomie could not hear Saiki Kusuo's pale explanation at all.

Compared with words spoken verbally, it is the tangible objects that can be touched before his eyes that attract Zenin Tomie's undivided attention.

He just felt a buzz in his head, like an atomic bomb exploding in his world.

His excellent dynamic vision recorded every detail of Saiki Kusuo's movements at this moment and passed them into his mind. I am afraid that he will not forget today's scene in every midnight dream in the future.

[Kusuo Amu, see for yourself, isn't this really a token of love? 】

Zenyuan Fujiang's heart was about to explode.

If it weren't for the concern that it would be broad daylight, it would be the time when the two families were visiting friends, and Zenyuan Tomie's bedroom was on the first floor.

Zenin Tomie really wants to press Kusuo Saiki down on the bed, and then use the [cheating code] to summon a legally valid marriage, and register the marriage immediately, okay?

[Cheat Code] This is a super power that can move the marriage registration agency directly to your home!

Saiki Kusuo was in a daze for a moment when he looked at the ring he put on for Zenin Tomie, as if time had frozen at this moment.

He had to face his own selfishness that was suppressed under the surface of ordinary people.

Saiki Kusuke deliberately made this ring a special live design. As long as Saiki Kusuo wants, he can put this ring on any finger of Zenyuan Tomie.

There are many fingers on one's fingers that can be worn with decorative rings, and even pure friendship has its place.

However, after Saiki Kusuo couldn't resist the temptation of Zenin Tomie and forced him to "punish" him, he subconsciously chose to put this ring on the middle finger of Zenin Tomie's right hand.

Even in Japanese culture, only men who are determined to get engaged will give such a decoration to their lover.

It was clear that Saiki Kusuo had just "punished" Zenin Tomie so forcefully, and now he suddenly started to feel shy. His usually indifferent eyes could no longer be seen in Zenyuan Tomie's eyes, which were slightly flushed due to the intense kiss. red face.

Zen Yuan Tomie had been brewing the words for a long time, and wanted to say something commemorative. It would be best to surprise Saiki Kusuo even when he is old.

However, Zenyuan Fujiang held it in for a long time, and finally stammered out a few old-fashioned words:

"I, I do!"

The moment his voice fell, the ring made of unknown alloy seemed to have completely changed. Like the structural properties, there was a strange change of light and shadow on the surface, and then it seemed to melt into the air, and the ring could no longer be seen.

Zen Yuan Fujiang was immediately shocked. He stretched out his hand to touch the location of the ring in astonishment. He felt a little relieved after confirming that the ring indeed existed physically but could not be seen with the naked eye.

But he still looked at Saiki Kusuo pitifully:

"Why do you want to give me an air ring?"

Saiki Kusuo said that he had deep considerations:

"This suppressor can create a barrier for you at all times, allowing my super power to Maintaining a certain intensity of influence on other people will also create a buffer for supernatural powers like Osamu Dazai to take effect, allowing me to arrive in time." There are many differences between Zenyuan Tomie's magical charm and Saiki Kusuo's superpowers


Qi Mukong can suppress the fluctuations of super powers, but it is difficult to change the temptation exuded by Zen Yuan Fujiang himself.

Zen Yuan Tomie's attraction to humans is simply a forbidden fruit given to the world by God. The humanization of Pandora's Box is simply based on his appearance.

It has no actual material carrier.

It is the embodiment of the concept of "beauty" that is directly linked to the human spiritual world.

If you want to suppress Zenyuan Tomie's attractiveness, no matter how you modify his appearance, it will not achieve your goal.

Fortunately, Kusuo Saiki happens to have super powers that affect the thinking of all mankind.

Only by covering human eyes with his divine hands can the temptation to destroy human beings contained in Pandora's box be collected in the palm of his hand and enclosed in his arms.

Otherwise, no one is qualified to monopolize Zen Yuan Fujiang.

The fuse of the Trojan War may explode again in a corner of this small island country.

Saiki Kusuo wants to save the world from the destruction of irresistible natural disasters, but he also hopes that Zen Yuan Tomie, who is like a temptation sent by God, can also enjoy an ordinary life that ordinary people can enjoy.

Zenin Tomie can grow up normally, without being tortured by the riots caused by lust-filled powerful people, and can also enjoy his normal

student life on the set of comedy films.

Saiki Kusuo explained seriously:

"Aren't you going to the police academy for a short period of time? You have to cut your hair short for so many years because of this, and you shouldn't be wearing any hair on your hands. Accessories."

Kusuo Saiki also took Zenin Tomie's right hand and rubbed his joints with his fingertips. There was indeed a ring with a transparent metal feel on it.

Kusuke Saiki is indeed a once-in-a-century genius in the field of scientific research. He can so easily come up with materials that challenge human common sense, and he also perfectly implements the functions requested by Kusuo Saiki.

Seeing that Zen Yuan Tomie's eyes were still filled with aggrieved water, and he looked particularly fragile, and he was in urgent need of comfort, Saiki Kusuo had always wanted to comfort him, so he reluctantly promised: "In the future, when you can wear jewelry all the time, I will

Can I give you a new one?"

Zenyuan Tomie cheered up again after receiving the assurance. After all, Saiki Kusuo's promise to him will definitely come true.

But...the compensation they mentioned earlier is not such a small amount!

Zenyuan Tomie's eyes were shining. He seemed to have completely forgotten the dilemma of being kissed by Saiki Kusuo until he couldn't breathe. He looked like the scar had healed and he had forgotten the pain. He started to hold Saiki Kusuo's shoulders again, allowing the two of them to breathe. They got entangled again:

"Kusuo Amu, since you used to deliberately choose special days to avoid me, I have missed too many opportunities to give others shit in the past three years of high school." Zen Yuan Tomie calculated the accounts in a serious manner: "You have to make it up to me."

"Anyway, you have super powers and I have supernatural powers. Even if we don't go to school in the same place, we can at least see each other every week, right" Zenyuan Tomijiang asked seriously: "I want you go on dates with me every week!"

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