Chapter 27 The only remaining task

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Zenyuan Tomie said this very seriously, not joking at all:

Cousin, while you were sleeping last night, I checked your body values. You can’t rely on yourself to be bound by heaven and curse. You just ruin your body!"

Fuheishi'er refused to believe it. He shook his head repeatedly:

"What can happen to me? Nothing can happen to me!"

Fuheishi'er has probably never done anything because of his The question has been to a serious hospital. Not only does Tian He Fu have excellent sexual strength, but he also has a terrifying recovery ability. No matter how serious the injury is, he can only sleep for a few days.

Chanyuan Fujiang looked at him and looked at him without crying even after seeing the coffin. He shook his head and took out a stack of inspection reports.

It not only marks the health value operation of Fuheishier's various internal organs, but also the specific changes that last for dozens of hours.

Zenyuan Tomie hit Fushihei Shi'er's guilty conscience as soon as he opened his mouth:

"You guy, before you met me again, it seems that you haven't slept seriously for seven or eight months. The hormones in your body have been completely messed up.

" Heishen'er frowned and refused to admit:

"I am Tianyumabo. Can Tianyumabo's physique be comparable to that of ordinary people?"

Chanyuan Fujiang had already guessed that he would use this excuse, so he turned around and took out another A stack of test reports:

"I am also bound by heaven and curse. Why don't my quality levels seem so exaggerated?"

Fuhei Shi'er is still resisting tenaciously. Zenyuan Fujiang can only use his trump card:

"Shi Er Tang Brother, reversing day and night is really going to kill you. Do you know that your kidneys are particularly miserable. It is equivalent to the same age and is about to catch up with your father?" Fuhei Shi'er was immediately confused. He saw the monastery clearly

. There was deep teasing in Fu Jiang's eyes.

Even though Fuhei Shi'er once attended a private school in the Zenyuan family, he never went to school for a day after leaving the family, and he didn't even have a primary school diploma.

But he has been involved in the romantic world for so many years, and he still understands the cultural implications of "kidney" very well.

How can you question a man's kidney failure? Fushiguro was so angry that he beat the bed:

"Don't slander me. I only occasionally stay up for several days without sleeping. What can I do if I have too many tasks! I am not the six eyes of the Gojo family. I can move instantly. If I want to Isn't it normal to take more than ten hours of driving and flying to get to the next mission location?"

Zenyuan Tomie put on the special pair of glasses from the magic world again, which made him look more like a cold, smart, and A highly respected senior doctor:

"Cousin, what you need most now is to rest for a while and don't go out and run around taking on tasks. We have a very strong recovery ability." Zenyuan Fujiang pushed up his glasses, his eyes showing

. Fushiguro Megumi's pity stung his nerves:

"Let's see if your kidneys can return to their proper age after a period of recuperation."

Fushiguro Megumi could let the jade dog out at home. He held the jade dog in his arms, With a cute little body, she asked quite simply:

"Uncle, why does staying up late make your kidneys older?"

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