Chapter 14 Non-Existent Memories

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Fushiguro Toji didn’t say a word to Dazai Osamu. He listened to the different sounds made by the ugly treasure lying on his shoulders, and easily avoided the bone spurs that the super-grade curse spirit continuously sprayed out.

Because Osamu Dazai had told him before that he didn't need to care about the lives of the people present, he stepped directly on the shoulders of the Mafia who had turned into zombies and kept fighting the curse spirits.

To be honest, Fushikiji had never received such an order before. It was also the first time that he met a man like Osamu Dazai who played with the cursed spirit in this way. He had no respect for this, so he waited until the cursed spirit started killing and asked him to handle it. Offcuts.

But with a lot of money, Fuheishier could have fun at the largest racecourse in the district for several days.

Fuheishi'er's movements are very simple and elegant, and his spell tools are expensive. Combined with his strong physical strength, they will be the best weapons to deal with curse spirits.

Although he is also [Bound by Heaven and Curse], compared to Zenin Tomie who has lived a happy life as an ordinary person for ten years, Fushiguro Shiji has been immersed in the darkness of killing and has been constantly tasked with licking blood through the edge of a knife. He has developed his physical talents to the extreme.

Simply talking about the lethality of Taijutsu, Fushiguro Shiji far surpasses Zenin Tomie, and can be said to be the top group of people in the current world of magic.

If it weren't for Fuhei Shier's early separation from the Zenyuan family, he would have hastily spent the happiest days of his life with an ordinary woman. With the early death of his wife, he quickly lost the reins that bound him and let himself go. Fallen, Dazai Osamu really may not be able to afford him to go out to do things.

After all, Mafia cannot provide magic tools to seduce the magician.

The bone spurs of the special-grade curse spirit could not penetrate Fuheishi'er's defense at all, and he lost his most important advantage. He was like a dying fish, and Fuheishi'er pinched the mass at the head.

As Fuhei Shi'er's powerful fingers gradually tightened, the special-grade curse spirit was even more unable to move, and even the bone spurs could not be aimed at him.

Fuhei Shi'er's eyebrows lowered disdainfully under his eyepatch. He was just a newly born special-level curse spirit with little combat experience. It was not as difficult for him to deal with it as the first-level curse spirit that had been in the wilderness for many years in Korean dramas.

Fuheishier clicked his tongue softly. He felt that it was only to this extent and there was no need for him to take action.

Therefore, when Fuheishi'er used his spell tool to pierce the inside of the special spell spirit, he also took off the blindfold that he found to be quite annoying.

Kusuo Saiki immediately raised his forehead, and the scene was about to explode.

He immediately turned around and

blocked Zen Yuan Tomie, minimizing their presence as much as possible.

It's a pity that Fushihei Shiji's dynamic vision is not a vegetarian. With his eyes like a wild wolf, he easily locked the position of Zenyuan Tomie.

Fushiguro Shijie was shocked and rushed to Zenyuan Tomie. He grabbed his shoulders with both hands and said, "Are you

Tomie? Where have you been after so many years?"

Zenyuan Tomie was also shocked. He had no idea what he was seeing in front of him. The man didn't have the slightest impression, but both of them had pure dark hair color that was rare in the world, and there were subtle similarities between their eyebrows: "You know me? But I don't know who you are?" Fuhei Shier

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