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slight spicy content warning

as the gravity of what i had done really set in, i realized i had no choice but to go upstairs. of course, i had many choices. like i could just mind my damn business. but that wouldn't be very much fun, would it?

as i made my way up the stairs, i was lost in the maze of kelce's mansion. more doors than i could count on each side of the longest hallway i had ever seen in a house. considering i grew up between my big house and sarah's, that was saying a lot.

i could never remember the amount of bedrooms and bathrooms in this house. it was like a surprise or a guessing game. i never had a reason to play it, but tonight i did.

i opened the first door to my left, a bathroom. surprisingly, nobody was inside. the next door to my right, a bedroom. it looked untouched. the next room, a closet. really just another bedroom with no bed, converted into a storage room. the pattern repeated; bedroom, bathroom, mystery room. at one point, i stumbled into a home gym. i felt straight out of the episode of 'barbie life in the dreamhouse' where barbie gets lost in her own closet trying to find chelsea.

as i turned a corner, i stopped dead in my tracks when i heard a sound i was not ready to hear.


like the loudest, most obnoxious moaning i've ever heard. i guess this tourist girl really came to get down.

i followed the sound, pressing my ear to the door. for a second, it sounded like a bad porn. like maybe she was faking it. but when i heard the unmistakable sound of skin slapping together, i knew he was really doing it. it continued for only a few minutes more until finally, it stopped.

"what are you doing?" i heard the girl ask.

"i'm getting dressed," rafe replied.

"why," she groaned.

"cause we're finished," he said, sounding more like he was asking a question.

"well, i don't leave until tuesday. can i see you again?"


"what do mean maybe?" she asks, clearly getting upset.

i've heard enough. but as i start to walk away, the door swings open.

"callie?" rafe asks, still fastening the button on his shorts.

i look up at him, completely disgusted by the boy in front of me.

"you fucked up," was all i could say.

i kept walking down the hallway. hearing rafe starting to curse behind me. surely, he was going to start flipping out. but he did this to himself. he had sex with a stranger before me. i've known rafe nearly my entire life and he fucked her instead.

my acrylics dig into the palms of my hands until i made my way to jj, who eagerly waited for me to tell him what happened.

"shots. now."

he nodded, knowing what went down without me even having to say it. he followed me into the kitchen where we took one of the bottles and poured. right now, all i cared about was trying to have as much fun as i can and hopefully forget about rafe. whatever went down with me and him was clearly just a crazy, stupid mistake.

soon, my arms feel floppy and i know i'm passed the point of recovery. i'm white girl wasted. the only thing keeping me from drinking more is the fact that i knew i would throw up if i drank anything else.

sarah and i always lived by the rule of: don't be "that girl." we never want to be the super drunk girl, or the super high girl, or the super slutty girl at any of these parties. that's the girl that people talk about the whole next week at school, and not because she's awesome.

tidal wave | rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now