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empty bed, racing mind.

i hooked up with rafe. again.

everything felt like it was moving so quickly. it had only been like, three days since the party.  three days since i wanted almost nothing to do with rafe. 

two days since we kissed for the first time.

twelve hours since his dick was in my mouth.

i never knew something could feel so wrong and so right at the same time.  i've always thought rafe was hot, but clearly, he has some issues.

on top of the fact that he's a completely unstable coke fein that's older than me, sarah is my friend and i know it would make things super weird if she found out i was hooking up with her brother.  my friends would undoubtedly fucking kill me.  jj would make fun of me until i died of insanity, pope would be disappointed, kie would be mad, and john b wouldn't know since he's too caught up with whatever he has going on to even care whats going on in my life.

i checked my phone and saw no messages from rafe.  so that's how things are?

i decided to take the day for myself and not reach out to anyone. i had things i needed to do, like find some earrings to wear at midsummers. it was less than a week away and since my mom passed, i've had to do pretty much everything for myself. my dad dressed nice, but he would never take the time to plan an outfit with me or give me ideas on what to wear.

since kie hates midsummers, sarah and i usually did our shopping together. but sarah being distant and lying made me decide to go shopping today by myself for a change.

i got dressed, got ready, and headed out to the mainland. i love shopping, so i would probably want to buy more than just earrings.

it took a few boutiques before i found a pair that would match my outfit perfectly. they were dangling and sparkly due to the diamonds all over them.  i loved them and left the store feeling much better than i had earlier in the day.

my mind was off of rafe and sarah and john b and i could finally just focus on myself.  i shopped for a couple hours and spent far too much money before i decided to grab lunch.  it was a place i went every time i visited the main land.  i got the same thing every time.  this place felt nostalgic in a way.

i ordered it for pick up and as i began walking out of the restaurant, my heart stopped as i heard an eerily familiar voice.  i paused in my tracks, turning around to see two people who i never thought would be together.

sarah and john b.  sitting together, eating lunch, talking, laughing, holding hands across the table.

i left quickly without approaching them and sat in my car to process what i just saw.  were they on a date?

sarah was cheating on topper with john b?

john b hated the cameron's and everything they stood for, especially sarah.  he was always open about his dislike for her and topper.  i guess if he wanted to bother topper, this was the way to do it.

in that moment, i knew it was wrong to be focusing on myself.  but part of me felt hurt that two of my closest friends could keep this big of a secret.  sarah and i told each other everything, so why was this something i couldn't know?

i didn't know what i was going to do.  if they wanted it to be a secret so badly, i would let them have that.  i mean, it's only fair, since i have a secret of my own.

i guess my eyes were opened to a world i didn't know existed.  it was the fact that everyone had secrets.  not just me and my stupid desire to keep my sneaky fling with rafe a secret.  everyone had secrets.  and maybe it was better off that way.

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