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"party at kelce's," i grin mischieviously at my friends.

"oh perfect, another opportunity to watch him and rafe do coke and carry you and kie out when you get to drunk to walk," pope retorts.

"hey, don't forget about me. you'll have to carry me too," jj adds.

"i'm down," john b shrugs.

"of course you're down, your girlfriend is gonna be there," jj replies.

"not my girlfriend. yet."

kie pretends to gag at john b before turning back to me, "you already know i'm down."

a party at rafe's friends house is nothing short of a perfect opportunity.  drinking, dancing, and looking so good rafe will have no choice but to regret blocking me.

i don't feel bad for laying with jj.  rafe and i are far from exclusive and jj has been my friend since forever. 

getting ready for the party, i put extra care in looking my best.  precisely placing my contour, curling my long lashes straight to heaven, lips glossed. i hadn't felt this good in a while.

somehow, since messing with rafe, things felt different.  it hadn't been long, and i could already feel the effects of being with rafe cameron taking a toll on my mental.

we all drove to the party together.  we always did.  except tonight, john b showed up with sarah.  his first real public announcement of showing everyone that they were really together.  i mean, they were with each other at the kegger, but people are boo'd up with randoms all the time.  i can't even tell you the amount of tourists i've been spotted with at parties.

"room full of beautiful women, but i want one," i loudly sing along to the partynextdoor song playing on aux.

"room full of women and they notice me," pope finished the lyric quietly.

"pope!" kie laughs.

"pope, man, why are you singing this freaky ass song?" jj asks.

"what," he shrugs, not taking his eyes off the road, "he makes good music."

"partynextdoor makes music for sex," jj exclaims.

"have you put that to the test?" kie asked, her face twisted in disgust.

he shrugs, "enough about me."

kelce's is already packed by the time we arrive.  just like it always is.  it's always the same crowd since it's pretty rare for any tourists to get invited into anyone like kelce's house.  who knows, maybe they like to steal.  the one exception was made once for rafe, and she did like to steal.  he met some girl at a bonfire and brought her back to kelce's.  she ended up leaving with six hundred dollars cash and an unworn pair of jordan's out of kelce's room.

jj disappeared to go smoke after he spotted a hot girl in the rotation.  that left kie, pope, and i to set up camp in the living room.  we were known on the island.  kie and i for different reasons than the boys.  jj had his own run-ins with kooks in the past.  but with jj, its impossible to tell him no.  so even though he's technically not welcome at most events, he shows up anyway.  people stopped checking him about it after he smashed a bottle over a kids head and sent him to the hospital.

even though i love a good party, i had to admit, they were starting to get repetitive.  only now, i felt eyes on me.  as i scanned the room, i quickly found rafe sitting on a couch with his arm around a girl who i had never seen before.  i guess rafe was always the exception when it came to bringing tourists to parties.

truly, it's easy to spot a tourist, and this girl was like the blueprint.  her cheeks were red, sunburned in the way that looked painful.  her nose swollen, slight sun poisoning.  the rest of her body was pale, aside from the tops of her shoulders, which were also burnt.  she looked a little shy, maybe intimidated next to rafe.  he doesn't necessarily radiate welcome energy, especially to strangers.

but still, he stared at me, even as she playfully touched his chest when she spoke to him.  even when his hand grabbed her thigh, pulling her leg over his.  he looked away for a few seconds to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.  then, he looked back to see if i was watching. 

i didn't want to be watching.  but honestly, it was like a car crash, so terrible, and yet i couldn't look away.  it was a pathetic display of his attempt to make me jealous.  nobody could ever make me jealous.

my mind immediately goes to the one thing that can make rafe realize how dumb he looks.

i make my way outside to find jj.  unfortunately for him, the hot girl was flirting with another guy.  fortunately for me, jj was available.

"wanna do me a favor?" i ask.

"i would love nothing more," he replies.

"rafe is in there flirting with a random and i know the two things that will set him off are 1. me not caring, and 2. me being with you.  so i figured, why not do both?"

"let's go," he says, immediately jumping up from his seat.

he takes my hand and we go back to living room.  talking to him was enough to make rafe mad, so when jj's hands found my waist as i danced, i knew he would be nothing short of fuming.

jj was facing rafe, so he was the one telling me if our plan was working.  suddenly, he leans close to my ear, "he's pissed."


"he's whispering something in her ear," he updates.

"what do you think it is?"

"she's nodding her head."


"they're getting up," he says.

perfect.  i was trying to make him feel dumb, not give him enough motivation to go fuck this girl.

that's when i turn to watch him take her hand and lead her upstairs to one of the countless guest bedrooms.  i guess my plan was really set in motion.

tidal wave | rafe cameronTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon