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a week had passed and like always, i was with my friends.  we had been at my place pretty much all day since a huge rainstorm got in the way of our boat plans.  lucky for us, i had a big screen and a shit ton of snacks available for my friends who happened to eat more than the average person.

rafe and i had been normal.  we snapped and texted here and there.  but there was no denying that claim of him wanting me all to himself was just something crazy for him to say.  we definitely aren't dating.  i mean, i don't even know if we're a thing at all.

"rose is so fucking stupid," jj bursts.

john b throws a handful of popcorn at the screen before booing her for letting jack sink with the titanic.

i hear kie laughing and look over to find her and pope sitting awfully close.  he's not very bold, so i was very proud of the fact that his arm rested on the couch behind kie.  it might not be around her shoulders, but i'll take it.

"callie, would you let me sink like jack," jj pouts.

"never," i reply.

he grabs my hand and i laugh as he begins to celebrate the fact that i didn't want him to die.

halfway through the next movie, i was struggling to stay awake.  using jj as my pillow, i fought to keep my eyes open and ultimately failed.

hours later, the loud crashing of thunder shook me awake. i sat up slowly, rubbing my eyes to find kie, pope, and john b wide awake watching an old episode of keeping up with the kardashians. sitting up off of jj caused him to start stirring and wake up too. his mouth hung open and i wiped the drool off of his chin.

i reach to the empty space next to me and grab my phone. to my dismay, rafe had shown me the true meaning of blowing up someone's phone.

thirty seven texts, nineteen calls, and enough insults to put my years of being called a bitch and a slut to shame.

i open shapchat to find the reasoning for rafe's harassment. a video on john b's story of jj and i sleeping on each other. while to us, this was completely normal, my mentally unstable sneaky link did not find this amusing.

"oh my god," i mumble as i scroll through rafe's messages.

"jesus christ, cal," jj's jaw drops as he reads over my shoulder.

fucking slut

you're a dirty pogue

fuck you and fuck jj

matter of fact, you already did

cute. he's so sweet.

"he's wrong about that, but we could make it happen," jj teases.

i lightly smack his chest, "not the time."

"what's going on?" kie asks from her spot at the end of the couch.

"rafe's going psycho," jj answers nonchalantly.

kie opens her phone and watches the video.

"john b you're a fucking idiot," she says.

he throws his hands up in defense, "how was i supposed to know he would do that?"

"callie, you and jj have been friends forever. it's not right for rafe to react like that," pope chimes in.

i try my absolute hardest to come up with something to say given that my mind is still waking up and my heart is racing.

fuck u too.

the message doesn't deliver.

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