20. Sepher

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"Yet you avoid the topic, surely there's something different. The king chose you, friend."

"Oh really— You seem awfully certain, we're friends.", Sepher whispers, his body approaching mine. Our gazes stay in contact until he breaks. "Is that so?"

"But if we're not friends. What are we?"

His body was steering towards mine, my eyes resting on his. Sepher plays with his hands, then smiles. He spoke, yet the sounds didn't register through my ears.

"What's your backstory?", I ask. Sepher mischievously lifts his eyes, then remarks fall from his mouth.

"After my mother gave birth to me, my cottage home was broken into. Resigning my parents slaughtered, the robbers didn't know of a child in the cabinet, so they left me there. Then two faires, "my elders.", drew me from the cabinet. Their names were Izel and Leia, they lifted me, conveying me to, The Realm of Caera."

"Shrouded by all types of mystical creatures. Then one day, on my 9th birthday, I snuck out and was met with a fire-breathing dragon. But to my luck, a wizard was near. He preserved me and guided me through magic, and spells, giving me the ability to protect myself. We expanded together, and every day, after schooling, I'd visit him. But, on my 13th birthday, he rested on his deathbed and articulated to me. "It's time for me to depart. But you need not worry, you're gifted with all my ideas, all my spells, my entire magic, it's in you. Use it wisely."

"Then he died, so I went back home, where my eyes were met by the king, who exemplified that the royal wizard parted the title onto me. So he brought me here, where I've served ever since."

My genuine eyes meet Sepher's, as I bear my left- hand out the touch his, but our fingers merely grazed, by the startle from an explosion. Stormy, tumultuous skies emulated the volatile disposition of the ancient creature, the red dragon monster, as it tumbled to the ground with a roar. "Follow me.", Sepher says, grasping my hand.

My eyes soften, redirecting towards the fire-breathing dragon, now held by thick black chains, as they let out a loud howl. My legs halt, and he hinges towards me, his eyebrows raising. "Trust me.", I say. My legs wander towards the dragon. "Let them go."

"Your Majesty— it's a dangerous creature. You shouldn't be here it isn't safe."

"Let Them Go!"

The dragon descends to the base, as the guards release the chains, from their arms, neck, and legs. The creature lets out a mighty roar, nearly pushing my balance to tumble, but the hands of Sepher catch me. "What are you doing?", he asks.

"I can control mystical creatures.", my voice sounds breathless. Sepher snares my wrist, and my body pivots towards him. "You don't know how to utilize your powers. It'll kill you."

He was right. I barely had any practice. Perhaps I will die. But what if I don't?

"At least let me try. I'll do with your support or without."

He sighs, and my feet glide back toward the dragon, its captivating gold eyes meet mine. The dragon whines, and plunges to the floor in front of me, as a loud thump presents my ears. My eyes shift to my black veins, magic flowing through them. I let out a deep breath and positioned my hand on the dragon's snout[nose] lightly stroking the skin. The dragon huffs[a harsh smoke smell forming out the nose], and my mouth sighs. "We're here to aid you. I'm sorry if you felt threatened."

Golden sparks start forming between my hands, as my powers ache. "I call to my heart. To the deepest heart. Health and healing deeper than our kind, but throughout all. Their strength restored the power within. They're whole, inviolate, true perfection. Provide this dragon, with complete protection. Throughout your highest pathways, now soar!"

My enchantment compels the chains to snap into two, and the dragon breaks free. Flapping their wings around in triumph, as they circle my body in happiness. Amazing. As my legs push, my eyes gape, observing as the pink blossoms flare around, and the feeling of sensation falls into my mouth. My mouth curves, allowing my gaze to divert back towards Sepher.

Noticing he's still standing, in awe. The guards wait for me to move. But there my legs stood still. Vastily still. Lingering for Sepher to proceed. His shoulder muscles are taut, and his pupils aren't dilated. This was the first time, I've seen Sepher so unsure about —- anything. It wasn't like him.

Maybe he wasn't the all-powerful wizard he pretended to be. Perhaps, this time, he needed comfort. "I'm going to hug you," I said. My ears didn't wait for his response as I drew him into my arms, seeing his body tense and tremble violently. He gasped for air like a drowning man. My left hand softly stroked his locs as his chin rested on my neck. We didn't care that the guards were watching; all that mattered was that we needed someone, and we needed each other. He held onto me tightly. Unwaveringly. We knew, but we didn't care. I didn't care. My hands clung to him, and I felt safe. The kingdom didn't affect us, and the king didn't affect us. We were one.

Six Red Curses: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now