7. WAR PT.1

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"We will grant you with 3 powers.", the blonde-haired woman declares.

"The power of healing."

"The power of portal making."

"The power of controlling mystical creatures and/or mystical people of your choice."

They each tap on my wrist, then smile. "There these are your powers. Use them wisely"

My head begins reeling uncontrollably. "Whats happeni- " Hot flashes hit my vision, my eyes pushing to focus on my wrists, which resemble an engraved form of an enteral knot, then my body subsides to the ground. When my eyes did open, I wondered where I was, but my hysteria was put to ease by the presence of guards looming. "Shira!"

This was the final sound my ears attended before being conveyed to the palace. My eyes flare merely to encounter my orphanage family, ladies, lords, wizards, fairies, and the king. They were chatting excessively loudly, and my ears inflated to hear more. "How will we overcome what Shira's brother is proposing? The kingdom cannot survive, it's barely making ends meet now."

"I know. I'll reason it, out. ", the king says. "Apologies, your majesty. But this matter is ahead of you, we never faced such an enmity{war} in years, way ere to your reign. The kingdom has not adjusted, and you are not qualified to guide us through this.", a noble exclaims.

"Perhaps my assistance is required. After all, he is still my brother."

"I can't ask you to do that for me?"

"He is my brother, and I'll be queen. This is my burden. He'll listen to me, I pro—"

But before my sentence could conclude, a knight barges through the gold doubled doors. "We are under attack.", he declares. Everyone's eyes, including mine, shifted to the king, we were as frightened as a mouse fleeing from a cat, unsure of our survival. His breathing was rapid. Our king was many things, but not brave. And everyone knew it. My concern grew when no one drove, we stood still, lingering for the attack. The glass windows were shattered, and the guards fearless enough to defend us, were slaughtered. It was war. A war the kingdom wasn't equipped for.

Six Red Curses: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now