19. "Courtship"

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"Not entirely. Our dearest majesty was distinct that we'd devote the day in tandem[together]. I believe his explicit orders were not to leave your side."

How peculiar?[strange]

"Really?", I say, in a dumbfounded manner. "How peculiar, we're quite strangers to each other."

Sepher nods his head, repaying my response with a wide grin. "So princess— "

But before the man could finalize his sentence, my question interrupts him. "What are we to do?"

"Took the words directly out my mouth.", Sepher says, with a playful smile, as a diminutive chuckle falls from my lips. Bearing my hands, I led him to the faraway village, my village. My birth home, my parents' birth home, and where they bore their last breaths. The village my brother and I were raised in. After being in the manor[palace] for a lengthy period, my eyes scantily [barely] recognized the place. The village was insufficient, the cabins were covered in moles, as rats scurried through the vicinity. The people's clothing was torn, shrouded in dirt, and unspecified liquid. "Your majesty.", a man greeted me, yet my ears perceived the un-sincerness in his voice, as his legs carried away.

My eyes meet a river, as two wooden chairs sit by it, dragging Sepher's hand to follow me. "This is your portrayal of a good time?"

Sepher chuckles. "You're awfully rude."

My eyes glance down to my arm, as the wound spreads, my body aching. "Perhaps it's because you don't know me."

Sepher lets out a smile. "Enlighten me—tell me about yourself. Your courtship with the King."

"Compelling place to start..."

"I didn't want to be queen, nor did I carry an interest in courting the king. All my life, my brother desired to be king. It was all we spoke about, the transformations he would make, my position on the throne. We were inseparable."

"Ah, the infamous brother.", Sepher declares, heaving his head back, rendering me to let out a laugh. "My brother and I were very close. And he wanted to be royal, the throne was reckoned to be his. So when the king requested for my hand in marriage. Damian rightfully felt crossed."

"Were your means to betray him?", Sepher queries, lifting his left eyebrow. "I didn't mean for any of this to ensue!"

"He declared war after, wedded the dark queen. And I was too far gone, so I accepted the king's proposal."

My eyes meet Sepher's, and my mouth curves. "I assume you're awfully exhausted from my tragic backstory. So what's yours?"

"Mine.", Sepher questions. "Yes. You're a powerful wizard and happen to serve the king. I'm sure there's more to it."

Sepher lets out a smile. "Careful, nearly displays praise, princess."

Always a witty response

"Yet you avoid the topic, surely there's something different. The king chose you, friend."

"Oh really— You seem awfully certain, we're friends.", Sepher whispers, his body approaching mine. Our gazes stay in contact until he breaks. "Is that so?"

"But if we're not friends. What are we?"

His body was steering towards mine, my eyes resting on his. Sepher plays with his hands, then smiles. He spoke, yet the sounds didn't register through my ears.


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