Shizu part 3

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After Ifrit got trapped in Friezas stomach dimension. Frieza brought her to a tent to rest in.

Shizu is lying in her bed, while Frieza is sitting on a chair near her.

Shizu: Miss Frieza...

Frieza turns around to look at Shizu.

Shizu: thank you so much....Ifrit took over my body and nearly killed the people I cared about like last time....can I tell you something?

Frieza: yes, you can tell me everything, but please save your strength.

Shizu told Frieza everything about her life...she spoke of Ifrit , how he possessed her when she was brought here, and how she had killed her only friend..everything.

Shizu: After Pirino died, I stayed because I had to serve the Demon Lord, but then I met someone..

Frieza: who did you meet?

Shizu: the hero.... there was a battle and the Demon Lord abandoned his castle and left me behind as a guard....Maybe I stayed there because it was the will of Ifrit or maybe it was simply of my own...I'm just not sure.

Frieza thought: she was strong enough to fight a Demon Lord.... Maybe it was the same hero, that sealed Veldora in that cave?

Shizu: she spoke to me....She wanted to know why I was here and how I managed to stay alive... she believed everything I told her then she told me it was alright.... she was able to unlock my emotions... in fact, she was the one who gave me that mask...the mask has a magic resistance and helped keeping Ifrit under control...

Shizu reaches out to grab the mask, but Frieza does it for her.

Shizu looks at the mask.

Shizu: as we travelled around the world together..I learned about magic... Thanks to this mask....I also learned to keep Irfits powers under control to some extent ...and helping others and fighting.

Frieza: so, this is how you got your name ,,the conquer or flames'' it was great to see your Paula in action. It was really amazing.

Shizu: -smiles- Being with her made me happy, so I studied really hard and became her partner, but she disappeared, and left me behind...

Frieza: Why?

Shizu: i'm not sure... I wish... I knew but I don't ,,I'm certain we will meet again" Those were her last words to me...that day I decided to become stronger....I wanted to help people who were suffering so I worked really hard for several decades.

Frieza: that sounds really impressive -smiles-

Shizu: people called me a hero and a champion, but even though my body had appeared young...I was still aging as I got older....It became more difficult to control Ifrits powers, one wrong step...and I could release him by mistake....when I thought about that..I got scared... I didn't want to hurt someone again, like I had done with my Pirino... because of that I decided to retire and became an instructor..I was a teacher at a school...

Frieza: wow, that sounds like real fun, so there are really schools here-smiles-

Shizu: Yes in the kingdom of Ingracia... I taught kids from other worlds... it was really a lot of of my peaceful times....Some of my students left to presume their own adventures....In fact, one of them is now a grandmaster....

Frieza: Grandmaster?

Shizu: A person who is responsible for overseeing all the guilds in every country..

Frieza: wow, that really sounds impressive.

Shizu: yes, it certainly is so naturally... I felt there was nothing left. I could teach anyone and then I came closer and closer to my end....It became difficult to suppress Ifrits will, and then I remembered what I needed to do... so I set out on a new quest.

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