King Gazel Dwargo part 1

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At the butterflies of the night

.....: Ah Kaijin nice to see you again.

Frieza Thought: Holy shit....Elves!

The at the bar entrance where were very attentive elves (male and female).

While the women were talking to the brothers and Kaijin the Men were talking to Frieza.

To avoid complications Frieza told them the same story she told Kaido (about what she is).

Elf 1: Aww cute

Frieza -blushed a little-

Elf 2: hey don't snatch all her attention. Come and out with me.

Frieza thought : OMG! His shirt is so thin I can see his abs! -is about to nose bleed-

Elf 3 : Your skin is so white....just like fresh fallen's beautiful -winks at Frieza-

Frieza thought: I love it here!

Elf 4: Who's ready for a drink?

Everyone: Me!

Frieza was having the time of her life.

Kaijin:I still can't believe that happened earlier after i busted my ass you made 19 flawless swords like it was nothing

Frieza : They were only flawless cause they were copies of your original i just analyzed your incredible work and then used that magicsteel cluster to then copy it sorry if that was out of line

Kaijin:Hmm honestly it is a little frustrating no matter because next time i'll just have to make a weapon so amazing that even you won't be able to copy it i relish a challenge

Frieza: That's the spirit and speaking of spirit refill please

Elf 4: Coming!

Elf 4: Here enjoy!

Frieza thought: ah this new life is amazing! In my old life i worked my ass of just to get home and have nothing interesting to do. I love my new life!

Meanwhile gobta was still sleeping in the cell.

Everyone was enjoying them selfs when suddenly voice interrupted their fun.

....:MY this is interesting should you really be waiting your time drinking

Kaijin: huh?

....:Good evening Kaijin.

Kaijin:Great its minister vesta ( Sarcasm).

Frieza Thought: So that's the guy you can tell he is an ass.

Vesta:Honestly i'm surprised you're playing around like this especially since the deadline for those swords is fast approaching

Kaijin: I turned then in earlier.

Vesta: You know what would happen if you don't finish them.....wait your already done?!

Kaijin: That's right with all 20 of them.

Vesta:But that can't be...

Kaijin:It's true you wanna see the invoice.

Vesta: No that's alright...besides finishing one worth-

Frieza Thought: It feels like this Minister Jackass gave Kaijin a impossible order just to humiliate him. Pretty obvious they don't get along.

Vesta: Honestly i'm more concern of that creature! -points at Frieza-

Frieza: me?

Vesta: This is a beautiful place. I can't believe you would have the audacity to bring this disgusting mutant thing in and serve it like a guest, just looking at it makes me shiver, so since when do you allow monsters in your establishment?

Elf 4: Well, she is a monster, but completely harmless.

Vesta: You acknowledge that it is a monster, and still bring it in here.

Elf 4: Please ,Minister Vesta how a bout a drink. It's on the house, please enjoy.

Vesta: Hmm, very good, I'll show you what this monster deserves.

Then he pours the drink on Frieza.

Elf 2: Oh no Miss Frieza. I'll get some napkins.

Helps Frieza to drye of the drink.

Frieza : Don't worry about me, I'm fine. And thank you.

Frieza thought: Man that sure pissed me off! But...I Cant let my short fuse screw things up for kaijin and this bar.

Suddenly Kaijin looked at Vesta with an angry look in his eyes. Before anyone could do something Kaijin gets up and punches him in the face shocking everyone.

Kaijin:Hey Vesta just because that monster is more polite than you are doesnt mean im willing to let your insults slide.

Vesta: You-You brute how dare you talk to a minister in such-

Kaijin:SHUT UP!

2 of the Brothers :
Go easy on him

Kaijin then punches vesta again making him and his guards trip.

Frieza :Was it a good idea to punch a minister i don't want you to get into any trouble.

Kaijin:Hey Frieza you said you needed some skilled artisans right think you can settle for me.

Frieza: Really i don't need to settle if i have you i would be thrilled for you to help welcome aboard!

Frieza thought: But this isn't a fairytale so things rarely work out so smoothly


Find out what will happen next!

Reincarnated as female FriezaWhere stories live. Discover now