Dwargon part 1

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Frieza and her friends follow the Ameld River north in search of artisans who can make clothing and houses for the Goblins.

They're heading to Dwargon the kingdom of Dwarves. She's accompanied by Rigur and two other Goblins and Gobta, who says he's been in Dwargon before is their guide.

The tempest wolves run as fast as wind.

Frieza: Hey, Ranga don't push yourself to hard.

Ranga: Yes, Lady Frieza !

Frieza: Why are going faster now !

Later everyone is now taking a break near the river.

Frieza: Rigur, who gave your brother his name?

Rigur: Lady Frieza! I was told he got his name from a passing Demon named Lord Gelmud. He saw potential in him.

Frieza: Gelmud ?

Rigur: He's an officer in the Demon Lord's army.

Frieza thought: Demon Lords army?! There's a demon Lord?! I hope I never end up meeting them. Sounds like trouble.

Frieza asked for a privat conversation with Ranga.

Frieza: Ranga, i killed your father, don't you want revenge? Don't you think about it at all?

Ranger: I do think about it. But Lady Frieza, you not only spared us after defeating, us in battle you also gave us names. I have only gratitude towards you and no resentment at all. Our loyalty belongs to you and you alone Lady Frieza.

Everyone is now sitting  around a fire cooking and eating meat.

Frieza: Gobta

Gobta: Yes ma'am?

Frieza: Waht is Dwargon like?

Gobta: W-Well...  it's official name is "Armed Nation of Dwargon" it's a beautiful city constructed from a modified natural cave system and it's home to not only dwarfs but elves humans and lots more.

Frieza thought: Elves?!

Gobta is still talking while Frieza is fantasising about hot elves.

The dwarf king, Gazel Dwargo, is known as the hero king. He's deeply admire by all people

Frieza: Elves.....

Rigur: Great Frieza?

Frieza: huh I-Is it okay for monsters like me to enter Dwargon?

Rigur: No need to worry. Dwargon is a neutral free-trade city. All fighting is prohibited by the king.

Frieza: I See....

Rigur: And that's made possible by the Armed Nation of Dwargon's immens military might. It's said that the dwarven army has been undefeated for a thousand years.

Frieza: That's impressive! No one would be dumb enough to get on the king's bad side.

Gobta: Last time I went there, they picked a fight with me outside the gate...

Rigur: There won't be any trouble!

Frieza thought: Hm? im pretty sure a big red flag just went up or was it just me.

Rigur: Lady Frieza look the meat has cooked up nicely!

Later they continued their journey.

It's said that it can take a goblin two months or more to walk to the Dwargon Kingdom. But with Ranga and his packmates Frieza and her companions arrived in 3 days.

They are now a few feet away from the gate to Dwargon.

Rigur: Are you sure you want to go in with just Gobta Lady Frieza.

Frieza: yes, I attract enough attention with my looks. So I will try to at least don't cause too much attention with a big group.

Rigur: But...

Gobta: We'll be fine!

Ranga: Lady Frieza...

Frieza gives Ranga a few head pats.

Frieza: Don't worry. We will be back soon so wait for us here.

And with that Frieza and Gobta are on the way.

Rigur: Please be careful.

Now in Front of the gate.

Frieza: That's guit a line.

Frieza thought: They must be strict about checking everyone.

Gobta: Once we're inside, we can move around as much as we want.

Some guy: Hey!Hey! Hey!

Frieza and Gobta turn around.

Some other guy: What's a couple of freak's doing here. Were not inside yet, so we can still kill it right?

Frieza thought: We're not even inside yet and there's already trouble!

Everyone in the line is now afraid well expect Frieza who look unimpressed.

Frieza: hey Gobta did you hear something?

Gobta: yes i did.... I was beat up last time too when I tried to get inside. It's the fate of us weak monsters.

Frieza thought: Fate...huh?

One of the bandits: Hey monster don't ignore us! Wait what kind of monster is that ( refers to Frieza) must be a rare monster I bet we could make a fortune off of it!

Frieza: Gobta please stay behind me and don't interfere.

Gobta: Got it!

Frieza: Now then...-walk in front of the bandits- Hey there. I'm a generous woman, so I'll spare you if you leave now.

Bandits: Your just a puny Freak! Don't you mess with us ! Your dead now! I was gonna let you live but you pissed us off!

Frieza: A puny freak huh? Are you referring to me?

Bandits: Who else would we be referring to! you- ugh!

Before he got to finish his sentence Frieza jumped in the air and punched the Bandit in the face sending his 60 feet away.

After that more Bandits showed up and attacked her with everything they got but to their shock every thing just bunched off of Frieza not injuring her even a little.

Frieza: Hahaha! You thought that puny attack like that would do something!

Frieza thought: Holy shit! I thought I was gonna die that body is the best!

Frieza: Now it's my turn....- uses mimic to create a tornado like scream- AAAAHHHH!

The scream was so strong it send the bandits flying. When Frieza stopped she noticed everyone ( but Gobta ) had ran away in fear.

Frieza thought: oops maybe I went to far....

And after that she and Gobta were arrested for disturbance by one of the Dwarves guards.

How will it continue?

Reincarnated as female FriezaWhere stories live. Discover now