The Fight

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I stand in front of the goblins and look them up and down.

Frieza thought: Most goblins don't seem capable of fighting even one dire-wolf. They lack muscles and the warrior atmosphere. Maybe I need to help them more than I thought.

Frieza: Do you all understand our situation?

The bandana goblin salutes and then speaks up.

Bandana Goblin: Yes, we are ready to fight them, even if it costs our lives.

All the goblins begin to salute.

Frieza: Hey, don't strain yourself. The important thing is that we fight as a team and give everything we can.

The goblins stare at me in admiration for saying that.

Frieza thought: Wow, that sounded so cool!

Frieza: OK, please someone take me to your wounded.

The elder took me to a tent in which there were 14 wounded goblins. Their wounds are very deep and are treated very poorly with simple cloth materials.

Elder: We did our best, but it wasn't enough.

Frieza thought: This is worse than I thought. I had no idea the wolves could cause such a deep wound. Well, I can always try something.

A golden liquid appeared in my hands. And I put it on the wounded goblin and said, "Heal." After that there was a bright light, so bright that the elder had to close his eyes for a second, when he looked again, the goblin stood up and looked at his body.

Once Wounded Goblin: What the? My wounds are gone!

He was completely healthy again, as if nothing had happened.

Elder: B-but how?

Once Wounded Goblin: You healed me.

I simply used one of my healing potions and combined it with my healing powers.

Afterwards, I healed all the remaining wounded goblins.

Elder: Magnificent Lady Frieza!

After that, all the goblins bowed to me.

Frieza: Well for the village, we need to improve it defensively.

All the goblins nodded.

Third PoV:

The direwolves are on a hill at night. Their leader is on the biggest rock.

Leader: A very Good night. Luckily for us, this forest has lost Veldora's protection. We have nothing to fear anymore. We will use this night to eradicate the goblin village and finally secure a base in the forest!

All the wolves start howling.

The whole pack now makes its way to the goblin village. When the pack gets there, they notice that the goblins have built a fence around the village and are now waiting behind the fence with bows and arrows for the right moment to attack.

Wolf Leader: What a shameful little fence, they dare to mock us.

Next to the leader there is now another wolf with a star shape mark on its forehead.

Starwolf: Father, look.

Frieza stands in front of the fence with her hands behind her back.

Leader: Who is that? What is she?

Frieza: Turn back now and no one gets hurt! This is your only warning!

Leader: Do you really think we Dire-Wolfs are going to listen to a mere mutant! Destroy that pipeful fence! Mark the grass with the blood of the goblins!

The wolfs except the leader and his son are now heading to the village. But before they come near it Frieza fires Death Beams at the Wolfs wounding them severely.

At that moment the goblins start shooting their arrows at the wolfs successfully stopping them.

Leader: You dare attack us! I will squash you like a bug!

The leader starts running towards Frieza.

Star Wolf: Father!

The leader jumps in the air aiming his claws at Frieza.
The goblins look at her worried.

Elder: Lady Frieza no!

But before the Leader could attack her Frieza holds out her hand and he is stoping midair and can't move.

Frieza: And that is my Telekinetic power.

Leader: this...won'!

Frieza then held out her other hand and fired multiple Death Beams at him and killing him in the process.

She lets his body drop on the grassy field that is now covered with his blood.

The wolves gasped and then growled as they looked at Frieza.

Frieza: Listen up, direwolves! Your leader has been killed. I give you two options submit or be killed!

Frieza thought: Why are they still standing there? Come on! Please just leave. Oh, I got it!

Frieza then absorbed the leader's body.

( analysis completed. Acquired ability to mimic Dire-wolf. Dire-wolf skills acquired Supreme sense of smell, Menace and Thought Communication)

Frieza then combined intimidating look and menace.

Frieza then glared at the Dire-wolfs and it send shivers down their spine. The look in her eyes...the way she glared at them, was like looking in the eyes of a fearless Goddess.

Frieza: hehehe ... this is my last warning turn around now or I will show you no mercy!

Frieza then used Menace and created a echo like scream that almost blasted them and the goblins behind her away but the Wolfs fought through it and slowly began walking to her.

Frieza thought: Waht?! Why are they coming to me?! Do they want to fight that badly?!

But to Friezas surprise all the Wolfs lowered their heads and said in union
,,Our pact will now serve you "

Frieza thought: Huh... they could have just run away.

Elder: Did we win....are we save now ?

Frieza: yes we won.

Frieza thought: that could have ended way worse glad that's over. Better peace then war.

All the goblins started to cheer.

( sorry for the short update)

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