Chapter 9 : The Saviour

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Aarohi's POV

After almost a week I was allowed to rejoin college and my excitement was at it's peak. I got ready and reached college early.

After attending classes I headed towards the canteen along with Sanvi. On my way, I was stopped by Veer.

"Get out of my way," I yelled when he came closer.

"Sometimes I really think why Vivaan is so into you. You are not even his type," he said as I glared at him.

"Aarohi, let's go," Sanvi said pulling me by my arm.

I was about to leave when he grabbed my hand. I tried to free myself but failed.

"I had nothing against you but you shouldn't have come in between our fight," he said pulling me towards him.

In order to free myself I accidentally pushed him when he fell of the ground and everyone around started laughing.

He got up furiously and gave me a glare which scared me a little. I knew I messed it up.

"What do you think of yourself. Let me show your....." he yelled coming near me raising his hand.

"Are you done?" Vivaan grabbed his arm coming in between. I looked at him.

"You again," Veer said.

"If you ever dare to touch her again, I swear I'll break your hands and tie them around your neck. And I think no one knows me better than you," Vivaan warned him with his stiff voice leaving his arm in a jerk.

"I am genuinely curious, why you are so obsessed with this girl," he asked.

"Aarohi, her name is Aarohi. And my obsession is none of your concern," he replied grabbing my hand and pulling me out of there.

God, he was so stunning right now. The way he made Veer speechless was just mind blowing. I was engrossed in this thoughts when he suddenly left my hand. I looked at him.

"Vivaan, today...," before I could complete my sentence he walked away.

"Vivaan, listen to me," I yelled rushing after him but he paid no heed and entered the men's washroom.

What the hell? At first he jumped in between my fight on his own and then treated me like a stranger. I can never understand this weirdo. Uggghhh! I hit my foot on the floor and left.

The next day after classes I packed my back and went to the canteen with Sanvi where Rohan, Aadi and Vivaan were already present.

I pulled out a chair and sat beside Vivaan who stood up immediately.

"I'm getting late," he said walking out of the canteen.

God. Is he still angry? I rushed out after him.

"Vivaan, stop. I need to talk to you," I called out but he didn't stop.

Frustrated by his behavior I grabbed his arm pulling him towards me.

"Why are you behaving like this?" I yelled grabbing everyone's attention.

He looked around and freed his hand before walking away. This is too much. He is really testing my patience now.

I kept following him looking at the ground without uttering a word. He suddenly stopped and I bumped my head into him. He turned around and looked at me.

"What?" he finally opened his mouth.

"If you are angry then scold me but don't treat me like this," I said looking down. He kept looking at me.

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