Saiyan Pride Restored

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"Gohan!" Goku yelled. Gohan, Goku's son from another timeline turned around. "Dad?" Goku breathed heavily. "Are you...Out of breath? That's unlike you Dad." Gohan said. "Yeah, I haven't fully recovered yet." Goku said, holding his knees as he caught his breath. "I want you to fight me!" Gohan shook his head. "Different timeline same old Dad. But I can't justify fighting an old man out of breath!" Gohan joked. Goku chuckled. "But seriously Gohan, I really need this right now! Your Ultra Intellect can predict moves in less than seconds! I saw it with my own eyes. So please, fight me right here and now." Goku pleaded. Gohan shook his head. "Sorry Dad, I can't. If I ever beat you I want it to be a  fair fight." Goku nodded, understanding.

As Goku walked away Gohan shouted. "But if you recover by the next match, I'll fight you then!" Goku grinned widely at Gohan before running off to find Vegeta. 

"Fine then, I'll kill you." Emperor Ice said. Vegeta and Emperor Ice were standing behind the large building where the fighter's rooms were, inches away from ripping off one another's heads.    "Woah, what's going on here?" Goku asked the two, grabbing Vegeta's shoulder. "Back off Kakarot." Vegeta spoke, swatting his hand off his shoulder. "We don't need you to intervene, monkey." Emperor Ice stared at Goku. Vegeta finally sung at Emperor Ice, who ducked and punched Vegeta in the gut, as Vegeta spat out. Goku grabbed Vegeta and pulled him back. "It's not worth it!" Goku said. 

Vegeta jumped into the air, and charged up a Final Flash. "HOW DARE YOU?! I'LL MAKE YOU SUFFE, YOU SCUM!!" Emperor Ice snickered, before disappearing. "What makes you think I can't evade an attack you were charging up so so immodestly and hastily?" Vegeta's eye twitched in anger. Goku held on tighter. "That's it, Hakai!" Emperor Ice winced. 

"The next match will be between Vegeta and Emperor Ice!" The Grand Minister announced as Vegeta and Emperor Ice were transported to the battlefield. The ever-shifting battlefield changed once more. Large gemstones of every colour were there, rocks upon rocks everywhere, as far as the eye could see. "Is this some sort of mine, like where people dig up precious stones and stuff?" Alternate Goku wondered, sitting next to his counterpart. "Either way, I'm worried for Vegeta." Goku told himself from another timeline. Alternate Goku turned. "How come?" He asked. Our Goku shook his head. "Vegeta's been waiting for this. But Emperor Ice knows his stuff, especially about saiyans. We get stronger the angrier we are, but that doesn't necessarily mean that we get better at controlling the amount of ki we use up." Alternate Goku nodded, understanding the situation. "You're going to have to tell your Vegeta before things go awry." Alternate Goku advised. Our Goku jumped up, now standing on his seat. 

"VEGETA!! LISTEN UP OR YOU'LL LOSE!!" The Grand Minister turned his head, along with Vegeta. "Excuse me, Son Goku? Could you please hurry as the battle will begin in a matter of seconds." The Grand Minister requested, however with a hint of authority that put Goku off a bit. "OH, I'M SORRY JUST HOLD ON A SECOND! VEGETA HE'S TRYING TO MAKE YOU ANGRY! DON'T LISTEN AND CONTROL YOUR KI!"Goku continued yelling. Vegeta yelled back. "SILENCE KAKAROT! I'LL DO THIS MY WAY! AND I'LL-" The Grand Minister now shouted. "BEGIN!"

Vegeta and Emperor Ice were trading blows. "So, I heard you were a prince. That must be nice, huh?" Emperor Ice said, before punching Vegeta's face. "However being the prince of monkeys is like being the one-eyed man in a city of blind people, don't you think?" Emperor Ice now began spinning, kicking Vegeta each time, knocking him into a glowing shard, impaling his chest. "That's a nice gemstone there, quite luminous. I didn't know Saiyans liked jewellery. Is that the latest fashion?" Emperor Ice continued in a mocking tone. Vegeta groaned, as he bled out. "I must say that looks absolutely dazzling on you monkey!" Emperor Ice continued mocking the prince.

"SHUT UP!" Vegeta yelled, zooming into Emperor Ice and body slamming, no, bulldozing him into multiple walls all with different crystals and shards sticking out of the rocks. He now powered up into Ultra Ego as his purple aura blazed. "DIE! DIE! DIE!" Our Goku explained to Alternate  Goku, "Vegeta's never defeated Frieza, or anyone of his kind before. To him, this is as close to the real deal he can get. A fight with Frieza, without any underhanded tricks like when he came back in his Golden Form. But all of those guys don't care about winning fair and square.." Alternate Goku understood. "Our Frieza's came back a few times. But I think my Gohan managed to take him out just in one punch!" Alternate Goku added.

"This is it!" Vegeta kept attacking Emperor Ice, who tried going into his golden form. Vegeta simply punched him in the gut, putting everything he had into it, and successfully stopped his opponent from transforming. "Gah! Why you impudent little monkey, how dare you do that?!" Emperor Ice swung at Vegeta who ducked and repeated the same movement. "ARE YOU MOCKMG ME?!" Emperor Ice screeched, before almost transforming again as Vegeta appeared, slamming him into the ground, headfirst. Emperor Ice shot of ten beams from each finger, causing the gemstones around them to pressurise, and eventually explode with energy, knocking Vegeta to the ground. He then successfully transformed, as Vegeta held up both of his hands.

"Final...Flash!" Vegeta shouted, shooting the beam at Emperor Ice who grabbed crystal and tossed it towards the blast. The crystal had somehow managed to absorb the energy before exploding in Vegeta's face. This was when everyone realised the crystals in the battlefield had the capacity to absorb ki blasts for a few seconds despite the massive power behind them. "Pathetic monkey!!!" Emperor Ice stomped on Vegeta's stomach, causing him to wheeze as he stared down at the gap in his chest. The battlefield glowed. "You're dead, Ice." Vegeta spoke, now in his Final Super Saiyan form. He jumped backwards as Emperor Ice realised what Vegeta had done. The crystals glowed, before exploding all around him as Emperor Ice flew away, flying through a connection of narrow tunnels within the mine. Emperor Ice saw a flash of light. 

He was ambushed! "GAH!" The crystals in the tunnels exploded as Emperor Ice was flying through said tunnels, knocking him back into a previous tunnel, which also had glowing, pressurised crystals which exploded once more, sending the Emperor back and forth through both tunnels, as Vegeta teleported between each one, effectively locking Emperor Ice in an infinite loop of attacks until he was done. "THAT'S ENOUGH!!" Emperor Ice yelled, before blasting a hole in the ground, making a tunnel of his own that he ducked into and flew off. "YOU SHAMELESS SCUMBAG!!" Vegeta yelled, delivering a clean roundhouse kick to Emperor Ice's face. "I'll humiliate you here and now!!" Vegeta continued yelling. "YOU CAN'T BEAT ME FAIRLY!" Vegeta yelled, delivering a punch, as a loud crack was heard as a shockwave blew at everyone in the stands.

"YOU'RE AN EMBARRASSMENT TO YOUR OWN RACE, UNFIT TO BE CALLED AN EMPEROR!"  A louder shattering sound was now heard as an even bigger shockwave resounded throughout the arena and the stands. "YOU'RE LOSING, TO A MONKEY LIKE ME!!!" A boom and then an explosion was heard as the battlefield erupted, as rocks melted and crystals exploded all around the two. 

Emperor Ice lay on the ground, as his teeth lay on the ground next to him. All in fragments as he also had a black eye and a shattered ribcage. "Don't!" Emperor Ice could barely speak without his teeth but he kept desperately pleading to Vegeta. "Then say all hail Prince Vegeta." Vegeta said with a serious tone. Emperor Ice's eyes widened as his veins became visible. "I can't..." Vegeta shrugged. "I knew you wouldn't. But it was worth a try." Vegeta said, before slamming his fist down into Emperor Ice's nose, disfiguring his face.

Vegeta held up his hand, it was bare as his glove evaporated from the sheer might of his attacks. "I've won." Vegeta said. He then looked up at the Grand Minister who spoke. "Vegeta has won the battle." Our Goku was cheering in the stands, happy for his rival, and in his regard, friend.

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