Final Form's Debut

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Goku barraged Broly, multiple times. Broly tried doing the same as Goku dodged, with the skill of Ultra Instinct but with even more massive power, this was the perfect form. "I CAN DO EVERYTHING I WANTED TO!! AHAHAHAHA!" Goku laughed. "YOU'VE GONE MAD!!" Broly yelled, shooting massive ki blasts towards a hysterical Goku. Goku swallowed the blasts and spat them down upon Broly. He looked up, BOOM!! "AAAH!!" Broly now began screaming as Goku blitzed Broly with punches and kicks. The arena began tearing itself apart as Goku was transcending the dimensions, knocking Broly into other realities before he was brought back.

Goku laughed insanely as Broly shot off his new attack. "OMEGA CANON!!" This attack tore through time and space all the same, however Goku was still faster than it, in fact Goku could touch the blast and hold it in his hands, as he imitated a basketball player, dribbling the energy through his legs before shooting the ball towards Broly as it exploded. "What sort of nonsense is this?!" Goku ran in circles around Broly, literally. He couldn't stop laughing as Broly got even angrier. "FULL...POWER!!!" Broly yelled, powering up, but it didn't faze Goku as he smacked Broly's face repeatedly, before jumping back and laughing some more. "YOU NEED TO SHUT UP!!" Broly yelled. Goku turned, before going berserk. Broly didn't see this coming. 

Goku grabbed Broly, and began flying. Faster and faster and faster as Broly faded in and out of consciousness, and exceeded the barriers of the arena and flew through different timelines, speeding up, and up, and up, before returning to the planet the tournament was taking place on and then he slammed Broly into the ground, waking him up and healing him, just to beat him over and over again. "THAT'S ENOUGH, THE BATTLE IS OVER!" Goku dropped Broly, and he almost fell over when he stopped himself. He waited. "Goku is the winner!" Goku then let himself fall to the ground and rest.

"The next battle will be Bardock versus Frieza, first thing tomorrow morning! Go get your rest fighters." The Grand Minister announced and advised. "Kakarot, that was a disgrace. You completely let yourself go, looking like a buffoon." Vegeta scolded him. "I guess...You know, I felt way different though. I felt invincible. Able to defeat anyone, and I guess it got to me. But that doesn't change the fact that that was a little bit of overkill on Broly." Vegeta sighed. "Well I couldn't care less how badly you beat your opponent, what I'm saying is you shouldn't lose your mind. The Final Super Saiyan form is powerful, and I bet you enjoy the multicoloured hair, however you need to keep ahold of yourself. Remember that." Goku nodded as Bardock stood behind Goku. "Well...Frieza's my opponent. I've already defeated him once, but wish me luck son." Goku turned around. "You're my father...Bardock." He nodded. "It is me Kakarot. King Vegeta has already been defeated, and I'm worried because he's a pretty powerful guy! When we fought together we could defeat anyone...Now I'm not so sure." Goku nodded. "Like me and Vegeta!" Bardock grinned, proud of his son. "Like fathers like sons I guess. Well, I'll see you tomorrow, I'll be on the training grounds son." Goku was happy, now smiling. 

"Vegeta let's get to work!! I need to control that form!" Goku got into his fighting stance. "Remember what the Minister told us. To control it all you need is mental fortitude. That's why you're going to meditate for the rest of the day, all the way until morning." Goku frowned, but somewhat understood what Vegeta was saying, and obliged. "Now let's hope your father wins the next match."

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