The End?

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Well, this story has been quite long and filled with difrerent fights I hope you liked seeing, however the story is not over. I will release a Part 2 shortly. The next part will have the story continue from where we left off in the last chapter, and perhaps we'll get the true story of The First, and maybe after the tournament ends an even bigger event will take place. But in any case,  I am not anywhere near finished with the story, and thank all of you reading this, I've had fun writing this and I hope you've had fun reading this and soon you'll be reading more. I will be putting the link to the next story in the description as well if you're looking for the next part. Tell me what you like about the story, and what you really might've disliked or thought I did horribly wrong, because there may have been a few things.

But anyways, thank you for reading.

The next part:

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