The Light Returns

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"Heh. A mere mortal believing he could defeat me. GRAAAH!!" BANG! BANG! BANG! Vegeta Black pounded Yamoshi's motionless body as his ki was seen in the form of an orb shooting up into the sky. "Oh? Does that mean I've beaten all the power out of you?" Yamoshi reverted to his base form, still motionless. "Let's see if you're faking.." Vegeta Black bent down, trying to hear Yamoshi's heart beat. Suddenly, without warning the orb dropped back down, slamming Vegeta Black into the ground before returning to Yamoshi's body. "That...Was a contingency plan. I've come prepared. My ki control is stronger than ever." Vegeta Black trembled at Yamoshi's feet as he stood up. Yamoshi then charged up a ki blast. "I think this is game over, Black." Vegeta Black closed his eyes before an explosion enveloped the infinite arena. "Yamoshi's back!" Goku was overjoyed that his elder had won the battle and defeated Zamasu.

"Since space-time hasn't been torn apart today, we have time for some more battles." The Grand Minister announced. "You have 2 hours fighters." Vegeta got out of his seat with Goku to find their Grand Minister. "Look, we need to get stronger. Everyone else is able to outpace us in a large part." Their Grand Minister shook his head. "You see, some are born with power beyond what training or more forms can provide. There are levels to this, and this is an unfair game. You will need to find your own ways to get past these other fighters' raw power, even if you need to use luck." Goku and Vegeta simply walked away, incredibly dissatisfied. "Hey is that Cabba? And...Hey!!" Goku noticed Cabba, and Kefla from universe 6, but not their universe 6. "How have they been allowed to fuse? What sort of special treatment are they getting?" Vegeta was visibly annoyed at this. Kefla stood before the two, side by side with Cabba. "We're not two people. Since a long time ago we've been a single fighter!! Don't you know the potara earrings make you fuse permanently?" Vegeta and Goku replied. "Not in our timeline they don't. In our timeline they only last 30 minutes for us mortals." Kefla shrugged. "Are you guys saiyans too?" Cabba asked. "Yes, we are, and you are from Planet Sadala?" Vegeta asked. "No, Planet Vegeta, but it got destroyed." Cabba replied. 

 "Your timeline is beyond me!" Goku said with a chuckle. "Well, I hope we can meet in the arena, it should be a show." Kefla said. Goku and Vegeta nodded, walking away now. "Vegeta..." A shadowy figure in the distance spoke. "I will eliminate him." 

"The next battle will be Broly versus Son Goku!!" Goku was ready now. He turned to the other Goku and looked at the screen just to be sure it was him, and it was. "Bye Vegeta!" Goku said as he was teleported into the arena. "Hmm.." Vegeta was in deep thought, and didn't notice Cabba and Kefla beside him, staring at him. Eventually he did. "Huh?! What's up with you two, why are you staring at me?!" Vegeta yelled, creating a bit of a scene. Somewhere else in the stands Bardock watched intently as his son fought. "Broly...That legendary kid.."

"Hi Broly!" Goku waved. "I'm familiar with you, you see. I've already fought you and it took a fusion to defeat you! I hope you're just as strong!" Broly made a menacing grin, before powering up into his Super Saiyan form. "I'm here to kill your friend, not you. I couldn't care less, all I want is to defeat him. I saw him fight himself earlier, and I was saddened." Goku turned his head. "No, no Broly, Yamoshi and Vegeta just look alike, and there's still my Vegeta if you want to fight him!" The Grand Minister coughed, as it had been a few minutes into the fight now. "Oh, uh..Sorry!" Goku bent over, apologising. "Without any further ado, let the battle BEGIN!!" Goku activated Ultra Instinct, easily dodging Broly's attacks. "If you can power up, please do!!" Goku said before kicking Broly in the face with both feet and then standing on his shoulders. Broly tried to shake Goku off as he now sat down, like a child riding on his father's head. The arena was the same as the last battle as Broly ran into a factory, blowing it all up as Goku was knocked off Broly, and sent flying backwards.

"Here we go." He saw Broly power up, Legendary Super Saiyan, and then...Spikier hair?! Electricity flowing around?! Legendary Super Saiyan Two, that would be hard to defeat. "Okay, here we go." Goku braced himself as Broly flew towards him. He then dodged, and dodged. This went on for ages as Goku ducked and then swiped Broly's legs then he tumbled over. Goku then jumped over him and sent a kamehameha to his back. "GRAHH! YOU WILL NOT OBSTRUCT MY PATH TO MY GOAL!!" Broly powered up, sending Goku back a little bit. "THIS IS...LEGENDARY SUPER SAIYAN 3!!" Goku then flew backwards at spectacular speeds.

"Ultra Instinct won't help me..." Goku spoke to himself, before Broly swung at Goku, knocking him backwards and breaking his back. "IT'S OVER NOW!!" Broly repeatedly stomped him, damaging his organs as Goku screamed. Goku returned to his primal instincts as he reverted to Super Saiyan 2. "GET OFF!!" Goku screamed. "ARGH!!" Broly continued brutalising Goku before Goku made up his mind. A bright light enveloped the infinite arena, the entire planet, even universe they were in, and all the others across all timelines. Broly was temporarily blinded. 

"LISTEN UP!!! THIS IS...THE FINAL SUPER SAIYAN!!!" Goku was speaking normally, however this was louder than any shout anybody present had heard, save from a few people. And his hair now flashed in every colour possible, in many different places. Everyone there, once again save for a few powerful people were temporarily blinded and deaf. The arena was vaporised as the infinite space became a war zone, not even rubble remained, just a titanic crater. Broly shook a little, before getting ahold of himself. "DIE YOU INSECT!! YOU ARE SIMPLY A HILL BLOCKING MY PATH TOWARDS A MOUNTAIN!!!" Broly screamed, things were getting intense.

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