Exhibition in Infinity

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The Grand Minister waves his hand as the three are transported to another infinite plane of existence. This battlefield took multiple Grand Ministers from across timelines to make and was quite grand indeed.

Goku and Vegeta both turned to see themselves. "Hey there! My name's Goku!" The counterparts said to one another in unison. "Hmph." The two Vegetas barely acknowledged each other. In the distance another fighter could be seen. A seemingly powerful, mysterious fighter. Despite Goku and Vegeta's training, everyone here seemed just about as strong as them, which made sense because most timelines would have Super Dragon Balls or someone like the Grand Minister to train the fighters. A loud horn was heard all over the venue.

"Greetings everyone! Today we will begin an exhibition match to give our audience over there," he pointed to the crowd of Omni Kings. "An idea of how these battles will pan out." The Grand Minister smiled as he shouted, "LET THE EXHIBITION MATCH, COMMENCE!"

Goku and Vegeta, as well as Goku and Vegeta were sent into the infinite battlefield. It was a two-versus-two exhibition match. They were dropped in what was at first a volcanic mountain rage, which then warped into a lush, green jungle. "Woah! That's really cool.." Goku stated as the landscape shapeshifted. "Now...Kamehameha!" Goku began rapidly firing into the wilderness hoping he would strike the two or atleast get their location. Goku couldn't trace them either as they were masking their ki. "Kakarot you fool! You're only exposing us! You're giving them a whole fireworks show while we don't know where they are!" Vegeta yelled. Goku nodded and began moving across the jungle, planting land mines made from ki. Vegeta flew up ahead and looked downwards, trying his best to get a sight of one of them. BANG!

Goku was sent flying into the air as there was a crater in the forest the size of a planet. He now levitated in the air, powering up into Super Saiyan God. The trees below him burned up and were instantly disintegrated. Vegeta emerged from the flames, a mere Super Saiyan Two. "Surprise surprise Kakarot. I'm a lot stronger than this version of you." Alternate Vegeta spoke towards his companion. "Yeah, it's pretty weird how their transformations are different though." The alternate version of Goku spoke, as he was pummelling Vegeta in his god form. "This is insane!" Goku slammed into Vegeta. Vegeta punched Goku in the chest. Goku and Vegeta both charged up their Kamehameha and Final Flash. They blasted, as the two beams overlapped, seemingly eradicating their counterparts.

Long, golden flowing hair. Electric currents flowing around them. A large air that can shake any space. And a large pool of power to draw from. Super Saiyan Three. The alternate Goku and Vegeta began to rush the two, on an equal level now. "Vegeta..." Our Goku spoke. "They're strangely strong without any god ki!" Vegeta turned to look at him, but got punched square in the jaw, knocking him to the ground as craters upon craters were formed, which unfortunately set off the land mines Goku set earlier which exploded all around Vegeta. "GAAAH!"

Goku was now blitzed by the two warriors, he was dizzy and his head was uncontrollably spinning. He could barely find his footing as he tried to power up, however Goku hit him with a dragon fist and sent him flying through trees, shattering them even before impact. "We don't have to hold back in this infinite space then huh?" Alternate Goku asked. "It seems not. In any case Kakarot, I will be the one to defeat your counterpart, if not you one day." The alternate version of Vegeta stated. RUMBLE!! 

A blue flash of light. An astonishing sight. A sign of hope to end this fight. Super Saiyan Blue. "Are you ready Vegeta?" Our Goku asked, rising from the rubble. "Ready as ever Kakarot." Vegeta answered. "Let's end this in that case." Goku said. They shot off combined ki blasts rapidly, however their counterparts were not done in the slightest. 

A primal roar. The power of control. Perhaps the pinnacle of evolution. Super Saiyan Four. "KAIOKEN!!" Goku roared seconds after transforming into his tailed, scarlet-furred form. Vegeta then focused his energy. "FULL POWER!" Vegeta joined Goku in their assault on the Blue Saiyans, knocking them off their feet. "Heh. These guys are pretty strong Vegeta." Our Goku stated. Vegeta nodded. They transformed. The power of the divine, in mortal's hands. Ultra Instinct and Ultra Ego.

But, this might not be enough you see.

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