The Omni-Kings of the Other Timelines

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Grand Zeno was sitting in his room playing with his future counterpart in his palace, when a portal opened up. "Good day, my Lord. I am the Grand Minister, and these are your counterparts from different timelines." A crowd of Omni Kings stepped out of the portal. The other Grand Minister looked slightly concerned, however his counterpart explained the situation.

"In one week, a tournament consisting of 32 fighters from different timelines will commence. The Omni Kings have decided to do this for...Bragging rights. Every timeline must have a maximum of only 2 fighters. You are permitted to use any means to increase the power level of these chosen fighters. Goodbye, we will see you all in one week.

"WHAT?!" Beerus yelled. "OF EVERY LIVING BEING IN THE MULTIVERSE THROUGH TIME AND SPACE HE CHOSE GOKU?!" Goku sighed. "That's offensive." Beerus looked at Goku and then Whis. "Okay, take Goku to the Grand Minister." He ordered. "Don't forget Vegeta, my Lord." Whis added.

Meanwhile, Vegeta was training on another planet with high gravity. As he was circling the globe, suddenly, he stopped angrily staring up at the sky. "I cannot get stronger no matter how hard I try. I've hit a wall now. If only there was some sort of special training I could get that would get me over this mountain.." Vegeta's wish was answered. He was transported to Goku and the group as they were on their way to Grand Zeno's palace. "What is the meaning of this Beerus, Kakarot?" Beerus turned, laughing heartily. "Funnily enough, you and Goku have been chosen for a tournament, arranged by none other than Grand Zeno." Vegeta's eyes widened in shock, and a tad bit of excitement. "Another tournament of power?" He wondered. "No, no. It's something a bit different this time Vegeta." The four sat, waiting to get to the palace.

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