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The Grand Priest stared, dumbfounded. "No mortal has shown that much power...Well, there were a few I suppose. But it's been eons.." Even the Grand Minister acknowledged Android Infinity. The Second cannot be the strongest fighter in the tournament, with a powerhouse like him present. Or...Is he concealing his true strength? Has he been toying with everyone else? Everyone stared to see if Kefla had survived. There was no trace of her. Meanwhile the universe they were in was being held together by the combined might of The Grand Ministers.

"We're finished for now..." The Grand Ministers spoke in unison. Android Zero stood, congratulating his brother in arms. "Good job. You've done well.." Android Infinity shook his head. "Our creator was simply a genius. The unnamed doctor at the lab, we owe it all to him." Android Zero nodded. There was a loud bang and a flash of light. Everything looked new again as the Grand Ministers worked in unison to rebuild everything in this universe. The arena was as good as new, and reinforced even more. "In the next few rounds to come our arena will be shattered more and more. We'll need to be reinforcing it as the fights go on." A Grand Minister said.

The next day, the battle began. "Android Zero versus Gohan! Begin!" The Grand Minister announced, as the team of Grand Ministers were reinforcing the arena. Meanwhile, the arena shapeshifted into a moving iceberg. Gohan looked at his opponent, who looked like Gamma 1 with a purple number zero on his chest along with his cape being purple. "I hope Gohan can defeat this guy!" Goku said, thinking optimistically. "Let's see what you're made of!" Android Zero said. Gohan laughed. "You're an android right? Guess I'll be looking at scrap parts from here on out." Android Zero rushed towards Gohan as Gohan punched. "Go to zero." The android said, as Gohan's punch slowed down, eventually coming to a complete stop. "Oh come on! Just push further!" Gohan powered up into his ultimate form, barraging the android. "OH COME ON!" He was getting more and more frustrated.

Gohan backflipped as he kicked at the android, however some sort of invisible barrier stopped him. "EXPLAIN THIS!" Android Infinity chuckled and obliged. "Ok, I'm lowering the force of your attacks to zero. You can't hit me with no power. There is no barrier stopping you, however it feels that way because I've created a bubble around you that lowers all forces to zero. Gravity, kinetic, even potential. You're frozen in place, indefinitely." Gohan's eyes widened. "Wow. You two androids have got to be the toughest opponents here." Gohan said. Android Zero walked towards Gohan. "Let me show you this attack!" He simply slapped Gohan as he vibrated.

He then flew backwards. "You're not too smart are you android?" Android Zero tilted his head to the side, confused. "If you turned my force to zero as you slapped me you could freeze me in place and hit me indefinitely." Android Zero's mouth opened wide, forming a menacing smile. "You're right! Here I go then!" Android Zero punched Gohan as he was stuck in place. He did it again and again and again. Gohan's facial expression was showing how damaged he was becoming from the attacks. Or was it? "Zero you fool!" Android Infinity yelled from the stands. "How are you being outsmarted that easily?!" Android Zero turned to Infinity. "Oh come on, what do you mean?" Gohan grinned as his opponent's back was turned, powering up to his max and punching his opponent in the back.

 "What in the..?" Gohan had a cocky smile on his face as he beat down Android Zero as he began to explain. "You see,  as you were attacking me, you were reverting the forces around me to zero. Your fist is not immune to your own ability. And thus the impact was reverted to zero." Android Zero gasped. "B-But your face! There's no way.." Gohan grinned even more, continuing his onslaught. "There's no way I faked it? I'm surprised your scanners couldn't sense that!" Gohan now punched his opponent in the face, repeatedly. He then grabbed him by his collar and tossed him into the air. "KA...ME...HA...ME..." Android Zero shook, before activating his ability again. The kamehameha slowed down, eventually reaching a stop. "Pathetic." Gohan didn't change his facial expression as he flew towards Android Zero, but kept a bit out of range. He shot ki blasts at him, which slowed to a halt yet again.

"You can't hit me!" Android Zero shouted, powering up and flying towards Gohan. He then punched Gohan repeatedly, and finally, as he was sent flying towards the iceberg below, he stopped him. "I guess you could call what's going to hit you a blast from the past." Gohan joked. Android Zero looked confused, and frustrated now. All of the ki blasts were now flying towards him as his ability no longer effected them. "Looks like that power of yours only works on a few things at a time, huh?" Android Zero was angry now. He powered up, creating a giant sphere of ki. "I'll kill you here and now! You pest!!" The iceberg heated up. Gohan was still frozen in place, and the ki blasts were still advancing forward, but it was too late. "Oh my.." Gohan trembled.

The enormous blast radiated immense heat, burning, melting and boiling the iceberg. "STOP!!" Gohan screamed out.

Dragon Ball Super: The Multi-Timeline TournamentWhere stories live. Discover now