Yamoshi, the Saiyan God

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"The great apes.." An unknown Saiyan announced. "You insects must be crushed now!!" Anyone of the Evil Saiyans declared, stomping at Yamoshi. Now he was stuck, underneath this Great Ape's foot, Yamoshi had to find a way to win, he had to think. Although he couldn't, because a bright gold aura flowed around him, before he grew larger and larger, becoming a Great Ape himself, however he was golden. A miracle was born. The true, purest, first version of a Super Saiyan. Even more miraculously, Yamoshi's comrades reacted to this by changing as well! Six Golden Great Apes. They battled it out as the Evil Saiyans were practically eradicated, dying in seconds  as they were being ganged up on by six of the most powerful saiyans to exist at the time.

They then went on a rampage, straight a military-type base where the Evil Saiyans trained, ate and rested. It was burned to the ground in mere minutes as nobody could stand up against these Saiyans. Eventually, he arrived. Lord Rice. "Yamoshi, I can already tell it's you. This time I will not let you live. I will show you how pathetic you truly are!!" Lord Rice got angrier and angrier. His blood boiled, as his heart pumped faster and faster. "LET'S GO!!" He ordered his men to kill and destroy every single one of those powerful, miraculous, perhaps even super Saiyans. The sun slowly rose bounce again as the saiyan's energy dwindled. They were unable to control their minds or their power, killing even another group of rogue innocents who were unfortunately, within forty miles of them. Lord Rice stood atop his mountain on which he spoke to the people from and declared, "You are all sentenced to death!" As a swarm of saiyans began simultaneously shooting at the group, as the moon was lowering and the sun was rising, their power was seriously getting drained. Eventually, they reverted back to their normal selves, before Yamoshi pulled out his last trump card.

"Final...FLASH!" He shot at the army that was attacking them, stunning them all as he flew away with his group, using all the energy they had left. "We're fine for now...However we must stay strong, they've learned of the Super Saiyan, our trump card and we're going to be killed if they catch us." Yamoshi stated. "How so?" A Saiyan asked. "That form is the only reason we beat three of those Evil Saiyans. Now just imagine if we didn't use that form, we all would've died like our poor comrade." Yamoshi answered. The saiyans nodded in agreement, before Yamoshi spoke once again. "We're going to learn to control that form. We will keep the power, we will win the war, even if we had to flee from the battle."

After that, 2 years passed as Lord Rice stayed strong, and grew stronger. The Evil Saiyans got way stronger through their heinous methods, and finally, one day, Lord Rice had enough with waiting. "Today is the day the Super Saiyans die." He declared. "YESS!" "FINALLY!!" "WE SHALL WIN!!" Multiple saiyans in the crowd cheered as they searched the globe. Finally, the Super Saiyans readied themselves. "It's been two years. We haven't spent that long for nothing! Everyone, power up, now!!" Yamoshi ordered. Ki blasts were thrown all over the place as a cloud of smoke appeared all over. Suddenly, six glowing lights shone from the ashes and rubble. The six Super Saiyans arrived. However, they were not apes, and their hair was  golden.  They had managed to control the form and now they were what modern day saiyans know as the Super Saiyan form. This form was about ten times weaker than the original Super Saiyan form, however they could control their minds, and their ki now, so they got on with the battle.

The Super Saiyans fought hard, however the whole  planet was enslaved, and despite his new power, Yamoshi was outnumbered by a million miles. He was grabbed onto by about twenty different saiyans, but defeated them all with a single ki blast. He was controlling his ki and he didn't rely on the moon to maintain his form and so he lasted way longer, and coordinated attacks with his fellow Super Saiyans. "FINAL...FLASH!!!" Yamoshi and his comrades yelled as he had taught them a few techniques during their many days of training. This joint attack had destroyed a large portion of the army Lord Rice had at the time, but took a large amount of ki from the fighters.

 "We can't, go on Yamoshi!!" One of the fighters screeched as they were being beaten while trying to maintain their form. "He's right! It's been HOURS!!! THEY HAVEN'T STOPPED!" Another screamed, at the top of his lungs. Yamoshi kept fighting and staying strong, before he was struck on the neck and collapsed suddenly. The other five Super Saiyans fought as hard as possible through the waves and waves of Evil Saiyans before rushing to his side. "Yamoshi? Are you alright?" He nodded, hanging on to his life and not letting go, as he felt the strain put on his body would kill him. "Let's do it." Yamoshi said. The others nodded. They stood in a circle with their hands together and Yamoshi in the middle. They channeled all their energy into him, and him alone. Yamoshi ascended, the strain leaving his body, as his muscles relaxed and he was there in the air above his comrades, transforming.

His spiky hair softened. His gold slowly turned into a fierce red as he was fully enveloped in flames. He emerged from the flames, as a Super Saiyan God. And so he declared it as such, "I HAVE BECOME A SUPER SAIYAN GOD! AND I AM HERE TO DEFEAT YOU." Yamoshi shouted at the masses, but also directly to Lord Rice, who had just arrived. Every other Saiyan watched in awe, as Yamoshi's allies were completely drained of energy, slowly dying beneath him. Yamoshi was saddened, however he knew he had to defeat Lord Rice rather than use the energy to save his friends and die alongside them. "I hate having to do this!!" He angrily shouted as his fiery aura appeared, seconds before he rushed Lord Rice with a barrage of attacks. "FINAL...FLASH! FLASH! FLASH! FLASH! FLASH! FLASH!" Six ki blasts as a sign of respect toward his fallen comrades. Lord Rice was being toyed with at this point, so he was lucky. Until Yamoshi appeared out of the sky performing what was like a dragon fist on the evil dictator. "IT ENDS NOW!!!" Yamoshi yelled, punching Lord Rice into the ground as it exploded, along with the planet's core, wiping out a large portion of saiyans who weren't already dead from this historic battle.

Yamoshi stood atop Lord Rice's body, remembering how peaceful life was and how little responsibility he had, as the Super Saiyan God power left his body. He still punched Lord Rice, and overpowered him. Lord Rice caught a punch from him, and then kicked him in the stomach as Yamoshi froze up. This was the end. The planet's core would fire off many explosions before destroying itself, reducing every living organism to space dust. "Die! And never return!" Yamoshi punched the dictator in the stomach as the life left his eyes. "It's time to leave." Yamoshi turned and readied himself, trying to flee the planet with all the ki he had left. He didn't make it far before the planet erupted. BANG!!

Yamoshi woke up at Grand Zeno's palace. The Grand Minister greeted him. "Where am I? All I remember was that explosion. How did you find me? How did I get here? Why am I here?" Yamoshi asked desperately. "All of that will be answered shortly." The Grand Minister said. "Now come along  Yamoshi, or should I call you the Super Saiyan God?"

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