Saiyan History

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He laughed. "Goku, Vegeta, I am known as The Second. I have come to tell you simply, that I was amused by your pathetic fight. It was like watching chimpanzees in a cage screaming at each other and beating their chests, trying to look stronger than they truly are. I really despise you pathetic Saiyans."the being who said this has extremely muscular, like Broly, and had fully gold skin with red eyes and no visible hair, mouth, nose, or ears. "And why should we care? You weren't in the area battling. You didn't rupture space-time. You were like a spectator sitting in the stands reading a magazine. You don't get to judge." Vegeta coldly explained. "HA! HA! HA HA!" The Second laughed. "You monkeys amuse me. However just know, you will not win this. There are fighters in different realms of power than you, your Gods of Destruction and perhaps even Grand Minister." Goku began to speak. "We're not lower than you just because of our race, isn't it power that counts here?" The Second chuckled again. "What, is the little impudent ape going to beat it's chest at me for calling it what it is?"

A Saiyan in ragged, old clothes with Vegeta's appearance appeared. "Keep your mouth shut, Second." This Saiyan said this with a wide smirk on his face. "My name...Is Yamoshi, and you two are Kakarot and Vegeta." He shook the two's hands as he continued on. "We are more than monkeys. We are beings with unlimited potential and power. Sort of like you. Except some of us are righteous with pure hearts but boundless strength. You see, we are more complicated than monkeys. Apes cannot channel the power of gods." The Second smirked and then said, "Once we meet in the tournament, I will show you who is the strongest." They both nodded, as The Second walked on.

"Now that he's gone, I would like to offer you the chance to hear my story. A Saiyan history, so to speak." Goku was only realising this now as he said, "Yamoshi! The first Super Saiyan God!" Yamoshi nodded, and began his story as Goku and Vegeta listened intently to their elder from a different timeline.

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