The Time Lord

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"Ok. Try and hit me again." Hit taunted Jiren. "Stop playing games." Jiren said, highly irritated now. "You could have a match next." Jiren warned. "You can't blame me for being arrogant. These guys seem pretty weak, except for that Second guy." Jiren nodded, looking off into the distance. "However, that Son Goku from that other timeline is massively stronger than ours.." 

Meanwhile, both timelines' Goku variants were recovering. "I really hope you're not fighting today.." Our Goku said. "No, don't worry. I'll win regardless." Alternate Goku spoke with an air of confidence. "No, don't worry. I'll win regardless." Piccolo spoke with an air of confidence. "That's good to know." Gohan said. Trunks was following closely behind the two. "I trust you Piccolo! We'll win this entire thing, even if there's a super strong variant of dad..." Gohan continued. "The  next match will be...Piccolo versus Hit!" The Grand Minister announced. "Well, I guess this is it huh? We'll see how I do." Piccolo began, before being teleported to the arena. "Oh wow, a mountain range. Very scenic." Piccolo commented on the ever-changing battlefield. "I would waste less energy speaking if I was you." Hit advised. "BEGIN!" The Grand Minister announced.

Piccolo took off his weighted clothing, cracking his knuckles and neck. "I don't think this is a fair matchup for you.." Hit began. "I've achieved godhood, I don't think you can stop me." Piccolo spoke. "HAAA!!" Piccolo's energy spiked and grew. "Take this!!" Piccolo swung at Hit, before Hit laughed, stepping to the side as Piccolo moved in slow motion. "HUH?!" Piccolo exclaimed. "I am Hit the assassin of universe 6. This is just a part of my basic skillset. I am referred to often as a Time Lord." Piccolo shook his head. "You'll need more than a fancy title to stop this!! Special beam...CANON!" Piccolo shot off his attack. Hit appeared behind him and put him in a headlock.

Piccolo gasped for air, time was speeding up beyond his belief. The world around him didn't seem real, something was off. "I'll just transcend time!!" Piccolo yelled, powering up. Piccolo's skin went from green to blue as his eyes flashed red. Glowing marks ran down his body as his shirt tore off from his sheer power as Hit stumbled back a bit. "You can't control me because I'm beyond time. THIS IS THE POWER OF THE NAMEKIAN GOD FORM!!" He yelled before rapidly charging up an attack. "This is my new attack! The Ultra Special Beam Canon, times ten!!" Piccolo looked into the stands and saw Trunks in the crowd, nodding to him, as Trunks had came up with the name in the first place. Hit was sent flying into a mountain, and disintegrated it upon impact.

"Fine, I'll continue to fight you without my control of time." Hit declared. "C'mere." Piccolo gestured for him to come closer. "Here I go!!" Hit ran up to Piccolo, jumping behind him and shooting an air pressure punch towards his lungs, sending Piccolo to the ground. "GRAHH!" Piccolo yelled, blowing up the ground beneath the two as they were sent flying down the infinite mountain range. "Take this! This! And this!" Hit smacked Piccolo in the face with his fists and then elbows. Piccolo shot off ki blasts towards the mountain, as he caused another mountain to crumble and shower down on Hit's head at unspeakable speeds. "Use it." Piccolo grinned. Piccolo was referring to Hit's time manipulating abilities. Hit frowned, before using his ability, slowing time and blowing up the giant rocks hurtling towards him, illuminating the mountain range.

"Hah, you forgot about me." Piccolo appeared behind Hit, using a technique of Goku's, which was instant transmission. Piccolo's fist smashed into Hit's skull, which would have killed the assassin, however he had his guard up. "Almost got a critical hit there. But I don't miss!" Hit shouted, barraging Piccolo in his lung area, before striking his throat and kicking his jaw, sending him flying. Hit then flew towards the bottom of the mountain range, charging up his ki. Piccolo did the same, however he was in midair. "Orbiting Cosmic Special Beam Canon!" Piccolo was screeching, once again acknowledging Trunks as he gave the move that ridiculous name.

"This is it!" Hit slowed down time, forgetting about his word he had already failed to keep. He began flying towards Piccolo, however the second he blinked Piccolo's attack was gone, even though Piccolo himself was standing still. "What?! Something isn't right. I have a time limit too, I need to hurry up." Time was ticking as Hit flew towards Piccolo, as the Orbiting Cosmic Special Beam Canon seemed to launched itself at him, knocking him through various mountains. "Ow.." Hit made a horrible realisation.

Piccolo had created a move his time stopping couldn't beat. "Orbiting...It's orbiting Piccolo!!" Hit cried out. "And it won't stop...But where is it?! Is it moving so fast even in infinitesimal and nigh-unobservable pockets of time that I can't even witness it's movement?" Hit was in a terrible confusion as he didn't know what to do. It was probably flying around Piccolo in a ring, and defending when he came near, so he had an idea. "A FLURRY OF KI BLASTS!" Hit expended the majority of his energy on this, striking Piccolo only once out of nearly one hundred thousand attempts. Hit couldn't continue with stopping time and attacking as he turned off his ability, and dropped to the ground to recover.

"Heh, looks like you barely got a hit in thanks to my invisible defensive move!" Piccolo declared. "That attack transcends the speed of anything I've seen in this tournament yet...Perhaps my whole life. However, Piccolo, I must say that I am going to end this match here and now. Well not now. Because I'm going to trap you." Hit made handsigns, as if he was turning a clock as his aura appeared. "TIME LOOP!!" Hit yelled, as a ki blast shot into Piccolo.

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