The Transformation

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After a few months in the void, training at nigh-infinite gravity, Goku and Vegeta were immensely strong. About 70% of their potential had been released. But there was more. Way more. Goku and Vegeta were still training with the Grand Minister with only a day left. Lots of healing, powering up and eating later, it was time to show the fruits of their labour. 

"I will be unleashing your potential now. This will be the finale of your transformations." The Grand Minister stated. He touched Goku and Vegeta as they were endowed with their latent power released. 100% of their potential was in them. "Thank you." Goku said, with a serious face, respecting their master. The Grand Minister nodded. Goku and Vegeta erupted in power.

The entire void shook and tore itself to pieces at the presence of this power. It finally shattered as they ended up in a whole different dimension. The light of their power shone through to the Other World and Earth. For a few minutes everything went white. Gohan and Piccolo were training as they could feel Goku and Vegeta's ki everywhere. Krillin was rescuing civilians from a bus that had toppled over as the light blinded him for a bit. it was not nighttime nor daytime, however light had flashed across the seventh universe from Grand Zeno's realm, which meant that it was all over the other universes too. Jiren looked up, his meditation being halted by Goku's presence as far as he could sense. Goku and Vegeta had achieved a wonderful new form as their hair glowed in an all-new colour now.

But this form will not yet be fully revealed.

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