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The mission of uniting Aryavrat was lacking on only piece of land, and that land was Mayapuri

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The mission of uniting Aryavrat was lacking on only piece of land, and that land was Mayapuri. Yudhishthir decided to send Arjun to Mayapuri as the land was related with Subhadra.

Reaching at Mayapuri Arjun presented his proposal. After listening him Trishika declared that the decision would be taken by Subhadra. Subhadra was sitting on her throne as the heiress of Mayapuri.

Arjun looked at Subhadra whose divine aura wasn't affected a little bit even after adorning the throne of heiress of demons. The Goddess of illusion was inspiring those values which could lead demons towards divinity with her aura.

Arjun spared some moments to admire her.

"I don't feel like anything which will be benefitted for demons due your proposal. Hence, I am rejecting your proposal," Arjun came back to sense when Subhadra uttered the unexpected for him.

On the other hand Trishika's heart was swelling with joy at Subhadra's deny. That was what she exactly wished. She had been wishing to witness Subhadra and her family standing opposite to each other, and that had become true at that moment.

"You are the one who suggested the way for this mission. You are the one who has led this mission till here. I have seen your dedication for this mission. Have you done all those without any trust? Why did our family lose your trust at this point?" Arjun reminded Subhadra about her contributions as he was clueless at her sudden attitude change.

He expected her to act like the princess of Mayapuri confirming the wellbeing of her clan before accepting the proposal, but he didn't expect her to sound this much different.

"I have supported the union of humans all together for a great cause. Here the case is different. Union of humans and demons can't be supported on that basis. I need a reason which can convince me," her disinterest was clearly evident.

"Why do you feel like the proposal isn't benefitted for your clan?" He sensed that there was something about which she needed to be opened up.

"A union needs love, respect and trust to sustain. I had been living among demons since long. After returning to my maternal family I didn't get the love which could make me say confidently that I had established a strong bond with them," Subhadra voiced out the outcome of doubt which Trishika had planted in her heart years ago.

Till that time she hadn't talked about that openly with anyone. Expressing heart escalates the issue towards solution.

"After my marriage I didn't get the chance of leading my relationship at a height where I would be respected just as a wife. I had enough of respect as the leader of my in laws' mission but being respected as a wife that too simply being in my husband's life was never earned by me," she vented out the sadness of not being able to live a normal married life till then.

He lowered his eyes after listening her. Whatever she told was true. After their marriage they had been walking side by side only for the mission. Neither any memory was made by them nor any moment allowed any memory to walk into their married life.

"The experience of trust wasn't appreciable in my case as a daughter and as a wife. As the princess of demons had experienced all these she never would allow any proposal for her clan from opposition without any strong reason," she justified the reason of her denial.

"Providing better future to each single subject of Aryavrat had initiated once by Lord Shri Ram in the era of Terta. This mission was a dream of my late father, but was inspired by the Lord of Treta. I assure you if you analyse this mission then you will find the glimpse of his morals," he urged with hope of making her consider his words.

Listening the name of Lord Shri Ram a wave of emotion ran through Subhadra's whole body.

Of course, she had known about him, but the way Arjun connected the wellbeing of Aryavrat with the Lord she couldn't resist the impact.

The doubt planted by Trishika which proceeded ahead with the dejection of her married life was losing its existence in Subhadra's heart being replaced by the devotion of Lord Shri Ram.

That was what the grace of Lord Shri Ram's name.

Both the Ds, doubt and dejection were destroyed. The third D which was destruction of previous two Ds had filled Subhadra's heart nothing else except devotion of her Lord, of her Narayan.

Her heart had been longing for that devotion since ages.

Being unable to stand the flow of devotion in her heart Subhadra fainted in Arjun's arms.

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So readers, here's the next part.

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LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.




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