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It was time for last ritual of marriage

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It was time for last ritual of marriage. It was time for Subhadra's farewell. Daughters spend their childhood, rejoice their adulthood in maternal home before heading towards in laws' house, but Subhadra has spend just few months in her maternal home before marriage. That fact was making her farewell more difficult for her family.

The happiness of marrying daughter off to a perfect suitor, the happiness of two families being closer, the happiness new relationships all together couldn't hold the breakdown of Subhadra's family during her departure.

That was really a difficult time to be tackled yet Subhadra sat on palquin after pacifying her family for heading towards the journey of her new life.

Her next destination was Hastinapur.

Even though Pandav brothers had a different land to address that as their home yet they can't ignore Hastinapur where their well wishers were living, the people they love and the vice versa.

Arriving at Hastinapur Subhadra received a heartily welcome, and was introduced to the new family members.

Even a feast was arranged for her welcome ceremony.

Amidst of all these Subhadra wasn't that much happy which she should be. The reason was she didn't like changing of place. She was wondering about her journey till them.

After birth she was handed over to her foster parents. She had accepted them as her real parents, but at a fateful moment she came to know about the truth. After her sixteenth birthday she returned to her biological family. She was getting bonded with them, but she got a call of change again.

Getting married she bade farewell to her maternal home only to reach at a place which wasn't even her permanent residence. She had to move from there again.

She was just wishing for a place from where she didn't need to move again, where she could nourish life values with all her potential.

When she sitting alone with her thoughts Arjun entered into their chamber.

"Changing of places is a part of life, Subhi!" Subhadra was surprised when Arjun understood her thoughts.

"I understand you, because I have experienced the same. At first we were living forest assuming that our home, happily. After pitashri's death we shifted to Hastinapur, but before we could accept it this as home people started to show their true colours," sitting near her he started to explain.

At first she thought he had made a rough assumption about her thoughts, but after listening him she was confirmed that he had read her eyes deeply to her heart, exactly in a way soulmate was capable of doing so.

"Then we moved to Gurukul for getting trained. Returning here we experienced no change. Finally we had to leave this place for staying at Khandav forest which we turned into Indraprastha, together," he smiled remembering the place which had served him and family with peace, the most precious necessity of life.

"The feeling of experienced the same is so amazing," she was happy to hear about his life experiences which were quite similar to her life.

"Then be ready to feel amazing always as our feelings have been merged," they both smiled at each other like a couple reciprocate each other.

"Indraprastha will be your permanent home, and I promise you to make that as your place of dreams," he held her hand, gently assuring his words through his eyes.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

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(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.




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