The beginning 

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Picture above is Oc's original look

Naoko pov:
Yeah, it was just a normal day for me Naoko. I'm 28 years old and I find the normal life boring.
I get out of my bed groaning

Naoko: ugh ..I don't wanna go to Work.

I work at a normal office as assistant manager. I live alone and one thing about me that is to say is I'm a huge anime fan. And I mean huge fan. my favourite anime is Dragon ball.

Now if someone would ask you which character is your favourite most would say Goku or Bulma I guess. But my favourite is Frieza.

I know he is a villain and really evil, but I really like his design and how intelligent he is. I've read a lot of fanfiction about him about like his childhood or female version of freezer.

I really like the female version Fan-fiction hehe.

After my soul sucking work at the office, my coworker asked me if I want to meet up with him at a new café to meet his Fiancé.

You could say me and my co-worker are sort of friends. I can't tell how many times that guy messed up and I covered for him.

So I come to the café and I see him and a really cute girl with him. They both see me and we greet each other, then talk a little. I can see how the two of them interact with each other.

They really make a cute couple.

Everything was good until suddenly some crazy maniac with a knife came running to us. It looked like he wanted to attack his Fiancé I stepped in the right on time in front of her and got stabbed instead.

The guy quickly fleet and I fell to the ground. I could feel the the blood gushing out of me. I heard voices, I heard crying but everything was a blur.

Naoko: it's
( Confirmed. Heat resistance )

Naoko thought: huh who said that?
Everything ..hurts I hope it ..heals fast
(Confirmed. Healing power)

Ah I wish I was strong like frieza...I would have chased him down and kicked his ass
(Confirmed. Unique skill, predator and Body change.Do you want female or male)

I couldn't think straight anymore because of the blood loos. I felt dizzy. And I didn't care anymore, whose voice that was, so I just answered female.

(Confirmed. Unique Skill Advisor )

The next thing I knew everything around me, was dark.

Huh...what is this?.... I....can't feel anything. It feels like I'm floating.

Wait, I feel something that I think I can move my fingers on, which means...maybe...I survived. I slowly open my eyes, but I immediately go into shock. I wasn't in the hospital or anything, I was in some kind of cave!

Ok maybe I'm in a dream that must be it right?
That's what I thought, so I pinch myself, but I still feel the pain and I was still in the cave!

Wait.. is that like those situations in..isekai.
I slowly sit up, and I think that I really have been reborn into another world.... that's so cool!

then I look at my hands and there no longer the same ones. They are completely white with black fingernails and my feet, I only have three toes and a long white Tail ! What the hell!!!

Wait, I recognise those! but it.. can'

I see a puddle of water, I slowly crawl towards it and look at my reflection. I can't believe it... I look like the female version of Frieza!!!

Reincarnated as female FriezaWhere stories live. Discover now