Chapter 29

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The song "Back in Time" by Pitbull played softly in the background as Graham's M1A1 Abrams tank rumbled on. The scene depicted students from Grand Lake High, Kansas Chief's High, and Saunders University High camping together, in a common mission: to prevent any Federation forces from acquiring vital supplies, which included severing the supply line to the All-Star University Team, who were thought to be in the midst of a fierce battle in Houston.

As the music continued to play, the camera panned to Graham, who stood atop a small hill, peering through his binoculars at the surrounding landscape. His Vice Commander, Joey, ambled up to him, casually devouring cereal straight from the box without bothering to transfer it into his canteen bowl.

"So..." Crunch Joey mumbled through a mouthful of cereal, his hand already reaching for another handful as he continued to munch away.

"No... It's still quiet out here..." Graham replied, his gaze still fixed on the horizon. He didn't even bother to turn his head to address Joey's peculiar eating habits.

Graham sighed, inwardly wishing Joey would use a bowl for his cereal.

After Graham had completed his scouting mission, he made his way back to the camp. However, upon his return, he was immediately drawn to the commotion erupting at the campsite. A group of boys had formed a circle, with some girls from Saunders University also gathering around to watch the unfolding scene.

Sighing with exasperation, Graham stepped forward to investigate the situation. As he approached, he realized that one of his boys was engaged in a heated brawl with a boy from Kansas. The two combatants were exchanging punches, and the tension in the air was palpable.

Graham's concern grew as he saw that the attempts of his companions, including Helmet-chan, to intervene and break up the fight had been unsuccessful. Frustration mounted until one of his own boys charged at the Kansas boy, attempting to force him to the ground.

Despite his efforts, the Grand Lake High boy failed, and the situation escalated. The Kansas boy retaliated by driving his knee into his opponent's chest multiple times. As his rival staggered, the Kansas boy seized the opportunity to punch him across the face and taunted him provocatively.

"Come on!" the Kansas boy taunted.

In response, the Grand Lake High boy growled angrily and retaliated with a punch of his own, aiming for his adversary's face. The brawl continued, with tensions running high, until the Kansas boy executed a powerful roundhouse kick that sent his opponent crashing to the ground.

Graham wasted no time. He swiftly moved into the heart of the brawl, his authoritative presence commanding the attention of everyone involved. With a firm and authoritative voice, he shouted, "That's enough! Break it up, both of you!"

The combatants, their faces bruised and their tempers flaring, reluctantly obeyed Graham's command and separated from each other, though they continued to exchange heated glares.

Helmet-chan and the others took the opportunity to step in more assertively, physically restraining the two boys and keeping them apart

"What the hell were you two doing?!" Graham yelled as he glared at the two.

Kay the Commander from Saunders came in along with Elijah as he is the Commander of The Kansas Chief High School as one of Graham's boy's who was in a fight points glares at the Kansas boy he was fighting and spoke up.

"This men insulted Helment-Chan and tries to assault her!" Graham's boy said as the Kansas boy snorted at the response.

"Bullshit I tried to assault but yeah I did say something at her... Because she the enemy! The rest of the Japanese girls who betrayed from the Federation and who is helping their fucking spys!" The Kansas boys argued

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