Chapter 31

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Silent Cobra Part 2

After hearing that Houston Armor Support team had been ambushed, Wesley asked the Ranger where the rest of the unit had gone. The Ranger informed Wesley that they had headed towards the location where the League Professional team was stationed. Wesley quickly alerted the others about what had happened, causing Muller and Graham to become concerned upon hearing that Houston's unit had been ambushed by Commander Anderson.

As confusion spread among the group about Commander Anderson, Muller and Graham decided to gather everyone at the League FOB (Forward Operating Base) so they could explain who Commander Anderson was.

While every high school team made their way to the American Tankery League FOB, the journey showcased North High School and Pravda High School. Muller was in his Tiger I tank, leading his Panzer Division. With the wind blowing against his face, Muller, dressed in his Wehrmacht Commander uniform, studied his small war map pamphlet. His driver, Kertz, continued to follow the path that Muller had instructed.

As Kertz focused on driving, he reached for his communication radio and activated his comm link. Speaking through the earpiece to Muller, he said in German, "Hallo, Kommandant, wann wird dieses Spiel wohl zu Ende sein?"

Muller sighed and replied in German, "Ich wünschte, ich könnte es dir sagen, aber das wäre eine Lüge, mein Freund, und ich erzähle keine Lügen. Du weißt das."

"Das ist sehr nobel von Ihnen, Sir," Kertz responded.

"Muller speaks in Japanese! I don't understand what you boys are saying in German," Katyusha exclaimed over the radio.

"Значит, вы не можете понять немецкий, а как насчет русского," Ivan replied as he sat in Vice Commander Gunther's Stug III Ausf G, communicating in Russian. This made Gunther chuckle.

"Please speak in Japanese!" Katyusha repeated herself.

"Gunther, can you switch to Channel two? I need to tell you something," Nonna requested over the radio. Hearing Nonna's request, Gunther switched to a different channel.

"What's wrong, Nonna?" Gunther asked over the radio.

"I was wondering how you feel about the growing relationship between our high schools?" Nonna inquired.

"Well... That's a tricky question for me, but I can tell you this: the growing relationship between our high schools is going pretty well. Some of the boys from Washington are becoming very close to the girls from St. Gloriana. But if you're talking about romantic relationships, well, there are a lot of boys and girls we know who are starting to fall in love. Like, for example, Scott and Naomi, Colton and Rukuriri, and even my commander, Muller, seems to have some interest in Ms. Erika," Gunther replied. Nonna listened, not expecting the answer that Gunther had given her.

"What I mean is what do you think of the romances that has been happening do you think their fine or they are not going to workout." Nonna asked

"Oh that... Well I know that could be fragile but to be honset once this whole thing is over we'll be shipped back to our home countries and for those relationship I don't know they will hold or not. Like to be honset if I was in romantic relationship with someone it will be hard for me as I be missing the girl I love." Gunther said

"What I mean is, what do you think of the romances that have been happening? Do you think they're fine, or do you think they're not going to work out?" Nonna clarified.

"Oh, that... Well, I know that it could be fragile, but to be honest, once this whole thing is over, we'll be shipped back to our home countries, and as for those relationships, I don't know if they will hold or not. To be honest, if I were in a romantic relationship with someone, it would be hard for me because I'd be missing the girl I love," Gunther admitted.

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