Chapter 19

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The Lady of Silence Part 1

Flashback During the Incident in Dallas 

In the midst of a heavy downpour within a small forest in the match zone of Dallas, Houston found himself clutching a sniper rifle, seeking refuge behind a sturdy tree trunk. As he cautiously peered out, a sniper's bullet whizzed past his face, narrowly missing him by an inch. Startled, Houston swiftly retreated to the safety of his cover before reaching for his radio to contact Scott.

"Scott! Is there anyone from our unit stationed here?" Houston inquired urgently.

"No, Houston, there's no one else with you in that forest," Scott replied over the radio.

"I see..." Houston sighed with a sense of foreboding.

"Why? What's happening?" Scott asked, his voice tinged with confusion.

"Someone's shooting at me... right in the middle of this relentless rain," Houston said with a mixture of frustration and concern.

"It can't be... It must be her..." Scott's voice quivered with fear.

"Silent? Lady Silent?" Houston queried.

"Yes, it's her, Houston," Scott admitted with a shiver in his voice, the weight of the situation weighing heavily on him.

"Scott... You sound sad and terrified of what's to come," Houston observed with genuine empathy.

"Sorry, Houston... It's just... It's nothing, never mind," Scott replied, his emotions momentarily getting the better of him before he composed himself.

Before Houston could respond, the chilling voice of the Lady of Silence infiltrated their compromised communication channels, leaving both Houston and Scott in a state of dread.

"You can't hide from me, Vice Commander... You shouldn't have betrayed us when you joined with Red. Now, you're mine to hunt," the Lady of Silence declared with a menacing tone.

Impressed by her marksmanship despite the torrential rain, Houston couldn't help but acknowledge her skills. "You're pretty good if you can hit me in this heavy rainstorm," he remarked.

"I told you before, women are much deadlier killers than men like you, Vice Commander," the Lady of Silence retorted with eerie confidence.

Anger welled up within Houston as he harbored thoughts of the unit they once served in and the betrayal that had transpired. "Now I'll have my revenge for what our unit made me do to Red," he declared, his words dripping with indignation.

The Lady of Silence, ever the provocateur, taunted Houston with a venomous statement. "You men are so weak... You can never finish what you started."

In the midst of the rain-soaked forest, a deadly game of cat and mouse unfolded, with Houston and the Lady of Silence locked in a deadly dance of words and bullets.

Present Time

After Muller and Graham had finished interrogating Commander Chiaki, they left her alone in her cell with her captured team members. Dean and his Ranger companion acted as prison guards in the newly arranged detention facility.

Meanwhile, Commander Elijah and Welsey found themselves in the mess hall, surrounded by the boys and girls who were receiving their daily meals. They engaged in a hushed conversation.

"Hey, Welsey, have you noticed that Houston, Muller, and Graham have been keeping something from us?" Elijah asked in a low tone.

Welsey paused mid-meal, contemplating Elijah's words. "Yeah, I've noticed that too. What's even stranger is that since we captured Federation Commander Chiaki, Houston, Muller, and Graham have been interrogating her non-stop, not letting any of us near the interrogation room."

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